Some of my own experiences.

These are actually some of my own experiences. (Or to quote our favorite minstrel "Not lying, just embellishing. There's a difference") Yours may vary..

You first hear the name Witcher, think it sounds ridiculous. Can't help making "witchier, witchiest" jokes like Penny Arcade
You decide to play one of the games because ratings. Love it. Commit to playing the others.
You find out it's based on books. Start reading one. Commit to reading all of them. Then listen to the audiobooks (check them out if you haven't. Amazing performances) The ending to Season of Storms, genuinely gives you the feels. Spoiler... Nimue wasn't dreaming damnit!
"Witcher" now sounds like a perfectly normal word. Geralt of Rivia, Kaer Morhen etc. are now part of your daily vocabulary -- Even if it's just quietly saying "Geralt of Rivia..." with conviction
You discover there are mods to make the games more accurate to the lore. You install them. Not an option.
Women whose names start 'Y' now strangely seem more attractive to you... (Yasmeen, Yulia, Ysabel) Or if you prefer, men whose names are Geraldo... Gerald... hold a strange attraction.
You google if "Yennefer" or "Triss" are real names...
Whenever an iPhone user says "Siri" you naturally assume they mean "Ciri"
Upon hearing the news, you've NEVER looked forward to a TV show as much as The Witcher on Netflix.
This... changes to worry when you find out they might change Ciri because ... agendas.
You hear there are English fan translations of the books, put that on your to read list.
Start Googling "Witcher Sword Replicas" "$400?? Ridiculous!.. maybe just a wolf medallion instead"
"Hmm it's got runes even.... $400 isn't that bad"
"Actually.. $400 is just $10... times 40"
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