Soundtrack loads up as witcher 1 soundtrack (wrong titles and year)

Soundtrack loads up as witcher 1 soundtrack (wrong titles and year)

So I finally popped in the CD of the WIld Hunt soundtrack I got in my Gamestop pre-order copy. However, First I noticed it autoloaded the song titles (all except the last two, it just said track 30 and track 31). However NONE of these titles matched the title list on the disk itself. Upon further exploration I found that the titles I am seeing are from the FIRST Witcher soundtrack.

This was all in windows media player.

It appears the metadata is pulling the original Witcher data and attaching it to the tracks, it even gives it a release date of 2007.

It really confused the hell out of me, because I was not sure what songs I actually had. I finally verified it with a youtube version.

I know WMP pulls from all music guide. No mention of WIld Hunt soundtrack on that database, curious why WMP assumes it's the original witcher soundtrack.

Is there another database that another player pulls from? I want to upload to my google play library, but unless I manually change every name it will up load with the wrong titles. A pain the butt if your remotely OCD.
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never touch WMP these days! it was awful years ago and it hasnt improved much!
Itunes is seen by some as selling your soul to the devil, but at least it gets info from imported cd's correctly!!
once you have the playlist and metadata from itunes you should be ok to throw it up onto Google
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