South America and Brazil in 2020

South America and Brazil in 2020

Since the South Americans, won the war against USA, I started to think about the geopolitic situation in Brazil and another countries over here.

As result Me and my group of players (I´m psychologist, the other are two students of history, a engineer and a lawyer) started to develop a Rio de Janeiro in 2020.

Before talk about some of our ideas, one correction:
It is Rio DE Janeiro, not "DEL Janeiro" (we speak Portuguese in Brazil, people! ;)). It had been wrote for wrong in the net world map. Ok, I´m certainly going to made some mistakes in English, too.

In therms of cyberpunk books and movies I recommend "Silicone XXI" (Alfredo Sirkis) - sadlly, only available in Portuguese- "Silicone" isn´t exactly cyberpunk, but it is very close .

Another possible reference is the recent movie "Historia de Amor e Furia" ("Love and fury Story"), an animation with different periods of our history, and with a chapter in the future of the country, a "cyberpunk Rio de Janeiro".

In our unofficial plot, here, we use some ideas that - a Zeitgeist, the animation used too indeed, like the lost of Christ Statue arms.
Following what appeared in "Corporation War" books, Arasaka was a major paramilitary force, over here (besides, São Paulo, Brazil´s biggest city is the local were there is most Japanese immigration), and we was going to have the "First Cyborg Soccer World Cup" - That time not by countries teams, but by Mega-corps Teams.

Well, the point is: Can some of you write some more about how did you imagine Brazil and South America?

Hm. I thought the U.S. held onto Panama by main force alone in 2020.

I also had the impression it wasn't so much that Central or South America won the war against the U.S. as it was the U.S. burned itself out, then left. Which I guess is a victory, albeit a pretty pyhrric victory for their enemy.

As for U.S. losses, well, we've already discussed the gap between my perspective on the Long Walk and Wisdom's, but regardless whether you think those were "contractors" or actually contractors, U.S. deaths were crazy high. Hundreds of thousands of deaths.

This leaves U.S. intervention in South or Central American affairs extremely unlikely for decades, if ever. I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. itself changed completely and became a wholly different political geography before anyone in the North thought seriously about trying to control their southern neighbours again.

Which would leave countries like Brazil free of Norteamericano influence for the first time..ever? Nearly ever? Since Brazil was a country? I'd imagine an initial period of unparalleled joy and triumph, copious excess and promises of a New Tomorrow.

And then human nature would do what it always does. Corrupt, weaken, tire and lose sight of such glorious dreams.

Into that gap would step the Europeans, probably through intermediaries, the most ambitious of South American Corporations, certain especially ballsy Yankee Corps and so on.

Promising The Future to the population, they would quickly establish ties with local governments and go back to doing what these economic powerhouses do: exploit. Exploit, exploit, exploit.

The degree to which that occurred and the resulting change in SA politics would be quite interesting. WOuld there be a strong government in place? Would the citizens recognize this new imperialism for what it was and fight back? Or even buy back?

Or perhaps South and Central America, hardened by years of warfare and tired of their corruption, would fight clear of much of the 21st century's capitalistic excesses. Driven by a vigourous new economy powered by exciting developments in IT and the biomedical field, as well as the Space Elevator being built to handle the Orbital Trade, they would emerge as a group of new democracies, young and vital where Europe is aged and cynical. Could the 22nd Century see the rise of "América do Sul"?
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