Anyone else feels like Evelyn Parker's role was supposed to have a bigger impact on V's life than it actually turned out to be? Maybe the story and character arc was rewritten?
Some things that happen in the game makes me think her part in the story was rewritten and that she intially had a bigger impact in the story and mainly on V's life.
There's something off and not fitting with how little time she was in the story and talked to V and then V's reaction to her tragic end.
I feel like V's going after the scavs and Woodman was supposed to be more emotionally driven than just helping out Judy (who in that point in the story you had very little contact with too).
Some moments caught my attention:
After rescuing Evelyn, V spends who knows how much time staring at Evelyn's cigarette case, as if grieving. Another indicator that V and Evelyn's bond was supposed to be stronger. You keep her stuff in your inventory as well. Her handbag (if you collect that at Clouds) and I think you also keep her cigarette case. (just a side note, you also keep a bunch of key items that don't do anything, such as Saburo's dog tag. I also think that the devs were planning something with those things but in the final product they're just there in your inventory as important items that don't do anything and you can't do anything with it).
Also V going after Woodman and killing him. Another indicator that V had to be emotionally driven and that revenge had to be satisfying to the player, which means players needed to have a bond with the Evelyn character. Was V doing this only because of Judy?
There are too many emails in the game talking about Evelyn and her dealings with other characters. Something off considering how short her role in the story was. Even Jackie's role seem to be more brief. The game talks too much about a character that was taken out too quickly and you didn't even spend that much time with.
Your character has the chance to talk and ask about Evelyn too many times in the game. Again, some instances of that seem to indicate a bigger connection between V and Evelyn.
When V asks about Evelyn to Brigitte, she answers something that can piss off the player, even more so if Evelyn was more important to the player. She calls Evelyn a whore.
Anyways, replaying the game I'm starting to notice that maybe the story had a bigger role for Evelyn Parker, maybe she was supposed to be a bigger influence on V, become a best friend or LI, and that she wasn't supposed to be gone that soon. Her introduction also makes the players think that she was going to be a major character. There was just too much focus on details, expressions, mannerisms and even the VA was top notch. It stands out when compared to other characters intros.
Some things that happen in the game makes me think her part in the story was rewritten and that she intially had a bigger impact in the story and mainly on V's life.
There's something off and not fitting with how little time she was in the story and talked to V and then V's reaction to her tragic end.
I feel like V's going after the scavs and Woodman was supposed to be more emotionally driven than just helping out Judy (who in that point in the story you had very little contact with too).
Some moments caught my attention:
After rescuing Evelyn, V spends who knows how much time staring at Evelyn's cigarette case, as if grieving. Another indicator that V and Evelyn's bond was supposed to be stronger. You keep her stuff in your inventory as well. Her handbag (if you collect that at Clouds) and I think you also keep her cigarette case. (just a side note, you also keep a bunch of key items that don't do anything, such as Saburo's dog tag. I also think that the devs were planning something with those things but in the final product they're just there in your inventory as important items that don't do anything and you can't do anything with it).
Also V going after Woodman and killing him. Another indicator that V had to be emotionally driven and that revenge had to be satisfying to the player, which means players needed to have a bond with the Evelyn character. Was V doing this only because of Judy?
There are too many emails in the game talking about Evelyn and her dealings with other characters. Something off considering how short her role in the story was. Even Jackie's role seem to be more brief. The game talks too much about a character that was taken out too quickly and you didn't even spend that much time with.
Your character has the chance to talk and ask about Evelyn too many times in the game. Again, some instances of that seem to indicate a bigger connection between V and Evelyn.
When V asks about Evelyn to Brigitte, she answers something that can piss off the player, even more so if Evelyn was more important to the player. She calls Evelyn a whore.
Anyways, replaying the game I'm starting to notice that maybe the story had a bigger role for Evelyn Parker, maybe she was supposed to be a bigger influence on V, become a best friend or LI, and that she wasn't supposed to be gone that soon. Her introduction also makes the players think that she was going to be a major character. There was just too much focus on details, expressions, mannerisms and even the VA was top notch. It stands out when compared to other characters intros.