[SPOILERS]Ciri or Alvin in TW3?

[SPOILERS]Ciri or Alvin in TW3?

So, hello everyone, first of all to be clear this is not a poll thread or anything, it's a simple thought that passed by (a little much too late) after I watched The Beginning trailer again, and I wanted to see if there could be any reason in what I thought or if my head is playing games again.

Alright, so I was watching the trailer again after quite some time, and even though my eyes were still drooling at the screen this time my ears actually overcame the eyes and I managed to listen to something very interesting!

''This time it's hunt is one in particular, the one individual destiny entrusted to you, the one soul You as Geralt consider kin''. These words from Mr. Jonas Mattsson (sorry if I misspelled) are about the Wild Hunt, some background of them, and basically what their main goal will be in TW3.

So yes, my thoughts were that The Wild Hunt will want to get their hands on that person(and for good reasons), and of course from the books you can easily tell that Ciri is that person, but on the other hand the similarities between Ciri and Alvin (from TW1) are too many, basically Alvin is an altered version of Ciri (kind of) and while the theories about Jacques de Aldersberg make sense, the little boy basically dissapeared.

Could it be that Alvin makes his return in TW3 instead of Ciri? They both could fit the role since their power as a Source is what the Wild Hunt is probably after.

I made this post so I could read some opinions about this so please go ahead, and thanks for reading (if you did) ;)/>
If you replay the witcher again, paying attention to what Jacques de Aldersberg says to you, it's pretty much 100% that he is Alvin. And there is a concept art released when TW3 got announced, where Geralt was riding with another person with a long white hair. It's gotta be Ciri. Like, it just has to be. CDPR doesn't hate us last I checked.
mpayo said:
If you replay the witcher again, paying attention to what Jacques de Aldersberg says to you, it's pretty much 100% that he is Alvin. And there is a concept art released when TW3 got announced, where Geralt was riding with another person with a long white hair. It's gotta be Ciri. Like, it just has to be. CDPR doesn't hate us last I checked.

I just love that pic! It would be great if we were to fight alongside som of Geralts Friends (e.g. Ciri or Triss) more than in previous games. This image suggests that might be the case. I really think they could do something like Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite with Triss. Not that she should be with you all the time but when she would she wouldn't be in your face all the time but throw in a helpful spell from time to time or heal Geralt.
mpayo said:
If you replay the witcher again, paying attention to what Jacques de Aldersberg says to you, it's pretty much 100% that he is Alvin. And there is a concept art released when TW3 got announced, where Geralt was riding with another person with a long white hair. It's gotta be Ciri. Like, it just has to be. CDPR doesn't hate us last I checked.
Hopefully that's true. I would heart to see Ciri in TW3.
eskiMoe said:
Hopefully that's true. I would heart to see Ciri in TW3.

Yeah, i would love to see Ciri in TW3. In fact, it would be nice if she held a place close to Geralt like Triss, Dandelion and Zoltan. (You know, an important character, like a friend)
thewarsend said:
Yeah, i would love to see Ciri in TW3. In fact, it would be nice if she held a place close to Geralt like Triss, Dandelion and Zoltan. (You know, an important character, like a friend)
I was just thinking that it would be interesting to see the "family" united. (Geralt, Yen, Ciri)

At least for a short while. Before everything inevitably falls apart again :p
eskiMoe said:
I was just thinking that it would be interesting to see the "family" united. (Geralt, Yen, Ciri)

At least for a short while. Before everything inevitably falls apart again :p/>

I would love to see that.. They would fall apart again for sure, but it would be nice to see before Geralt's story ends.. At least for a while.. :)
mpayo said:
If you replay the witcher again, paying attention to what Jacques de Aldersberg says to you, it's pretty much 100% that he is Alvin. And there is a concept art released when TW3 got announced, where Geralt was riding with another person with a long white hair. It's gotta be Ciri. Like, it just has to be. CDPR doesn't hate us last I checked.
Yep, that's true that you 'know' that Alvin is Jacques(basically from the things that Jacques says changing from what you tell to Alvin, and the necklace of course) but Jacques already existed at the same time with Alvin in the same 'universe'. At the same time.


Forum veteran
I hope Alvin won't appear in W3 - I don't miss that little bastard.

I think there trully was some inspiration in Ciri, but I didn't like him and I don't need him if I can have the real Child of destiny.
Arclavum said:
Yep, that's true that you 'know' that Alvin is Jacques(basically from the things that Jacques says changing from what you tell to Alvin, and the necklace of course) but Jacques already existed at the same time with Alvin in the same 'universe'. At the same time.

Because he´s (was) a source, he jumped randomly into the past, and decided to do something about what he had seen in his now future. Ciri also had many random jumps, as she knew how to jump but had some trouble as to the where and when.
mpayo said:
If you replay the witcher again, paying attention to what Jacques de Aldersberg says to you, it's pretty much 100% that he is Alvin. And there is a concept art released when TW3 got announced, where Geralt was riding with another person with a long white hair. It's gotta be Ciri. Like, it just has to be. CDPR doesn't hate us last I checked.
Does Ciri have white hair ?
I thought it was supposed to be Visimier.
tirim4 said:
I really think they could do something like Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite with Triss. Not that she should be with you all the time but when she would she wouldn't be in your face all the time but throw in a helpful spell from time to time or heal Geralt.

Hey Geralt! Catch!

Ugh no thanks, I liked those sections in the first two games where characters would help you out briefly (Although Triss killed me multiple times on my first Witcher 2 playthrough because I kept rolling into her Fireballs). So ultimately I wouldn't mind SMALL segments like that again, but to have them following you around to the extent of Elizabeth? Noooooo way. Also Elizabeth really tanked my immersion in BSI during combat (Same goes for TLOU), when you have this invincible partner who just goes floating around the battlefield & doesn't do shit it just feels weird, also screams lazy AI programmers.

No, I believe that when Geralt is out hunting Monsters & doing deeds, he should most of the time be alone. 100% focused on the task at hand & killing Monsters.
If ciri isn't in the game, CDPR is dead to me. (OK maybe not dead but I'll be extremely disappointed)
Ciri has gray (ashen) hair. Also if you look at the other rider, he/she is shorter than Geralt and thin. vesemir would be as big/larger
I really did not like Alvin. He's annoying, constantly walking in the way and asking stupid questions. I'm a witcher, damnit. Not a babysitter. He also interferes with Geralt and the two ladies he cares about it. Forcing him to make a decission. Ciri however is an entire different story.
sfinxCZ said:
I hope Alvin won't appear in W3 - I don't miss that little bastard. />

I think there trully was some inspiration in Ciri, but I didn't like him and I don't need him if I can have the real Child of destiny.

I really hope that since TW3 is about the Wild Hunt that the choice made at the end of The Witcher is reflected upon somehow by having Alvin show up as on of the Wild Hunts thralls (even if it is just like Leo's ghost from TW...) if your Geralt gave the wild hunt his soul at the end.
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