[SPOILERS] Evelyn Parker, wasted potential! Your Thoughts?

Everything will back to my big theory.
The story of V should be the main story, but they never finish it, which cause the absent of V.
They are very hard to finish the main story, which barely say nothing.
I believe there was a story line about Arasaka internal conflict, which will change Yorinobu to a friend. It should be a rail story after chip quest until the divel-ending we get now, but we know and help Yorinobu in the end.
That give V a much safty enviroment. No Arasaka ninjia, can walk under the sun, and everyone knows that he is the guy who killed Saburo and got forgiveness from Arasaka, that's why everyone trust he is good and give him jobs.
To Evelyn, I think that will be a good reason for her to back to work.
Remember Hellman is close to Hanako at devil-ending, too close, it make me think if he was be designed to run after Hanako fade into shadow.
That's why Yorinobu still can't fix Relic, and V's story will happened since that time.
But they cut everything

There is quite a lot of NPC dialogue all through the game hinting at another big corporate war.
CP2077 is not about V, this game is about Johnny Silverhand.
V is literally just a vehicle for him. The moment his gone game finished.
V have no storyline, everything is about Johnny - for Johnny or because of Johnny.
Even when V is trying making something for herself/himself (romance, friendly conversation), this guy must be there too to make comments.

I wish someone will make a mod like for Jaskier in Witcher 3 called "STFU".
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There is quite a lot of NPC dialogue all through the game hinting at another big corporate war.
That is exactly the game I thought we were getting. A corporate war and Johnny was just going to be there to help take them down. I also thought militech was the one working on controlling people (Peralezs) and Sandra Dorsett would play a role in that considering her side quest.
That is exactly the game I thought we were getting. A corporate war and Johnny was just going to be there to help take them down. I also thought militech was the one working on controlling people (Peralezs) and Sandra Dorsett would play a role in that considering her side quest.

Early on this is where I thought it was going as well. It seemed to be moving pieces in such a way.

The choice to give into Johnnys hyper violent agressive take it all down, or find your own path. I thought the immortality chip was going to be this big thing, that you could end up having a choice to release the tech to the whole world, or hoard it for yourself, or sell it or whatever.

...then it all just became;

There is quite a lot of NPC dialogue all through the game hinting at another big corporate war.
Yes, V was accused to murder Saburo, the king of a superpower.
There is little way to get out of this shit.
To live and complete what V want, it must be another superpower to balence.
It will be inevitable to touch corp and dance between them.
There should be a Grand Narrative.
Apparently this is another cut content, because no matter you agree or not on Parker's request to do the job without Dex there's no difference with the story.
This is not cut content. This is exactly how Parker operates. Backstabbing everyone only to get the biggest chunk of pie, meaning money. She was about to betray you as well for NetWatch, even you decide to betray Dex.
My thoughts is that they lacked so much time to finish the game that they decided to kill all the interresting characters of the story. If they are dead they can't give you another mission ;)
Except Parker was not one of those interesting charaxcters. She was very Simple and dumb in her motives. And the entire "mysteriousness" she tried to built around her was just facade and masquerade, to make her interesting to work for her for third party.
I don't think it's Keanu‘s fault... the story they describe based on Johnney is great, I can see the potential, but they barely finished any quest line at game.
To Johnney, he called V to burn the city into ashes, where is the dialogue?
They even can't finish the most important vision at trailer, what do you suppose they can do?
If there is something wasted, it will be everything.

I didnt mean its Keanus fault but the suits who are at the top of CDPR board and who respond to investors. They just sniffed more money and propably ditched the previous stuff for that. But maybe im wrong.

Regarding Parker character. She had a big potential. She had ability to shape her look to anyones need or perspective. Judy said that, she could perfectly adapt to what you needed/wanted her to be, even to the single details. Add to this her theoretical backstory of being recruited by Voodoboys, or maybe made by the to do the work, and we get interesting character to explore. We got only a tiny bit of her in Lizzies and her braindances, then it got all cut off.
She did not have any shape ability on her own. What was meant was her ability as doll in clouds, where clients get what they desire and dolls provide via some certain technique provided by dolls employers.

Outside of clouds she was nobody and all her demenaour was just cheap pose. There was really no potential in her character.
I didnt mean its Keanus fault but the suits who are at the top of CDPR board and who respond to investors. They just sniffed more money and propably ditched the previous stuff for that. But maybe im wrong.

Regarding Parker character. She had a big potential. She had ability to shape her look to anyones need or perspective. Judy said that, she could perfectly adapt to what you needed/wanted her to be, even to the single details. Add to this her theoretical backstory of being recruited by Voodoboys, or maybe made by the to do the work, and we get interesting character to explore. We got only a tiny bit of her in Lizzies and her braindances, then it got all cut off.
The suits who are at the top of CDPR board and who respond to investors.
I agreed with that.
But I don't think it's beacuse sniffed more money. I think it's because they don't allowed the game be sold after it finished.
They spent too much time on it, they need cash, but as the saying goes, haste makes waste.
The employees have to cut much, and use material they already have maximum.
I believe Keanu don't have much time to work with them, so he finish a lot of material one time.
That's why he looks so...impressive?
Beacuse he is the charactor which is one of closest to be completed and have most material.
The same level charactor is Panam and Judy, especially Panam, you can almost touch her across the screen.
Others are far from the word "completed".
It more like a race about how much time and material charactor have, because they need to sell it as soon as possible. After that, the game is also far from the word "Great".
So sad.
It was exactly in line with her chacater. She was neither smart or strong woman. The sole fact she worked in clouds and could not leave it for such a long Time working there and Even return ed there after failed heist, only shows how weak and insecure person she was, broken. Unlike Judy who actually manage to leave that place.
She was not really smarter than an average joe as she would have predict ed consequences of trying fucking up with VDB and Dex and entire Arasaka for that matter. Again she just smelt big money oppourtinity without thought out it properly. Dumb.

So yeah to me, her actions totally fits her character entire time, even her suicide, as a broken horrible person.

Your hatred for this character is weird and your arguments are really nonsensical in a setting where lots of important smart characters are sex workers.
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I don't think they were blaming Keanu. I think what they were trying to say was that the focus was on Silverhand and should have been on V, our character.

Honestly, they should have slapped Johnny Silverhand on the box as the protagonist and we shouldn't have even made a V. That is how I personally feel about the story.

Which feels ridiculous as a response. You are the one dying. You are the one doing everything. The only Johnny focused stories are the backstory and his friends ones.
When replaying pre-heist missions and later Judy's storyline, I keep thinking how big of an wasted potential is Evelyn Parker as a character and her storyline.
The real kicker is that Evelyn's final fate is not necessary to drive Judy's story.
Worst-case scenario attempted suicide would've worked just as well (even if she survives just in a vegetative state).
Best-case scenario Evelyn's survival and recovery could open up possibilities of her involvement in the revenge plot not only against Woodman but also Voodoo Boys.
IMHO Evelyn Parker could have been this game's Keira Metz instead, we get a linear tragic tale that drives another storyline.
Somewhere between 2016 and 2020 CDPR forgot how to design interconnected non-linear storylines. :(

Your Thoughts?

I thought she would be more prominent. But I like their artistic vision and deff appreciate the darkness she fell into from a story telling point of view, also I killed the guy that did this to her before I knew so who it was so i was like"deff gonna kill the dude who did this," and my V goes "good thing I already killed him" lol had to wiki the guy and yea I deff killed him in his office. I just wish we could have gotten more info form her
Evelyn was a interesting figures i would to learn about her more like as a romance option or so but as Jackie... both of them sharing the same fate...
Or Takemura.
I agree with this text.
I also want adds that Evelyn tries to fool EVERYONE at the same time. Try to fool Yorinobu, the voodo boys, Dex ... She probably would have even tried to fool you too if she could.

I understand the reason, she was a prostitute fed up with her life, she saw the opportunity of her life and tried to go for it with everything betting all or nothing ... But as you discover things about her, you realize that it was impossible that ended well for her. She was too small for that game.

That's why I like the character. It is a sad story, full of stupid decisions but that you can still fully understand.

I mean... Save her?

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Ugh why did you have to remind us of this damn tv show....
Except Parker was not one of those interesting charaxcters. She was very Simple and dumb in her motives. And the entire "mysteriousness" she tried to built around her was just facade and masquerade, to make her interesting to work for her for third party.

So why even have her in the story if she's simple and dumb. Just have a rando NPC.

All she does is introduce you to Judy, and then become less and less relevant until she offs herself. You could just remove her from the game and you could have met Judy and she could have helped you with the BDs, and the prostitute at arasaka tower could be some rando with 4 lines of dialogue. After all, CDPR barely made the game in time, a year of crunch, maybe more. Why make Evelyn at all?

Why create Lizzies as a set piece for your introduction and have Clouds and everything? It makes it seem like Evelyn was a loose end and they didn't know what to so with her. It feels uneven. A lot of work and set up for almost no pay off at all. You barely interact with her enough to care when she offs herself. If Judy wasn't there to mime what feelings are suppose to be in the scene I wouldn't know what to feel at all. The only thing I felt was "oh she's just a cheap plot device". It was all pretty transparent. Not very immersive.

Like a lot of Night City the whole thing doesn't really hold up to much scrutiny.

It really makes it seem like the quest was rewritten many times, and whatever was planned for Evelyn was chopped down. It was a dead giveaway when you realize most of your interactions with her are while she's in various states of unconsciousness.

Maybe what they had planned was garbage, and they had to, but what we're left with isnt up to the narrative quality that one expects. But what do you expect when you run a company like that with mandatory 6 day work weeks and constant overtime.
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i think her story is pretty well thought out and really dark.
the whole storyline is pretty intense
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kinda reminded me of her

Ok well, I'd like to understand your point of view.

What did you get out of her interactions, and her suicide? What were the story tellers wanting us to know?
Well seems as good as any place to ask this.

We get to meet Evelyn once, at Lizzies, before the heist, and well we know how that goes aswell as what comes after.

My question is, does she just disappear or is there somewhere she hangs out that you can talk to her even if its only the same conversation as you get if you phone before the heist?
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