Evelyn suicide is the only suicide in the game, player cannot stop by his actions...
Yeah, it'd be nice if they changed that.
Evelyn suicide is the only suicide in the game, player cannot stop by his actions...
Lol you are naive. Parker was the last person you would want to romance with. She would backatab you, rob you and throw you in the dumpster Like the stinkiest garbage. Thats what person she was. I dont get this weird mentality around her as her personality cotainted most of the worst characteristics possible.
Then i suggest you to read thoroughly her mail she sent to NetWatch after heist where she was clearly and consciosuly about to betray entire team on top with you and say good ye to all fleeing with all the money. Not even mentioning her pathologic betrayals of Yorinobu, VDB and Dex (yes when she asked you darily to betray dex). The only disgustIng thing here is entire filthy modus opera do of Parker.Wow, you are a thoroughly disgusting person, aren't you? There was no betrayal by Evelyn Parker towards V, none.
Nothing she said there indicates anything like what you suggested. Again, let go of your misogyny and try to become a human.Then i suggest you to read thoroughly her mail she sent to NetWatch after heist where she was clearly and consciosuly about to betray entire team on top with you and say good ye to all fleeing with all the money. Not even mentioning her pathologic betrayals of Yorinobu, VDB and Dex (yes when she asked you darily to betray dex).
So yeah next time také off Pink glasses off of your eyes and read peoe and actual in game clues properly. Facepalm.
Lol you are naive. Parker was the last person you would want to romance with. She would backatab you, rob you and throw you in the dumpster Like the stinkiest garbage. Thats what person she was. I dont get this weird mentality around her as her personality cotainted most of the worst characteristics possible.
Your hatred to this character is bizarre and I don't think anyone agrees with you.
The trope of sex worker becoming love interest is far more played out. Pretty sure there aren't many depictions of sex workers having their very consciousness stolen and warped so this comment is just silly. The game didn't shy away from the realities dolls face, had it done that instead of "shock value" you'd be here complaining that they played it safe.Loved her and wish we could have seen more of her.
The trope (Disposable Sex Worker) has been played out so much, I was really hoping they were going to do something original with Evelyn. But no...she's only there for shock value and to be abused as much as possible. The arc with Dex was of course utterly pointless as well, I really don't know why the option to side with her or Dex was even in the game.
T Bug should have been involved with Dex and in double crossing us. Then let us hunt down T Bug and get some payback instead of having the character be completely irrelevant and forgetable. The most interaction you have with her is in the training mission which is just sad.
the people who betrayed us was evelyn and dex. T bug was the hero of the heist mission.