I suspect Evelyn died to give more emotional impact to the story. Jackie hit me harder than I thought it would, and by the time Evelyn died I was a little numb to all the tragedy. However, I have been enjoying the story quite a lot, and I realize that certain characters are very likely to die in such a dark, dystopian setting.
It could have been worse. CDPR could have made it to where Judy died instead of Evelyn....
Anyway, as far as pure looks go, I find Evelyn to be the most attractive woman in the game by far. She has that chic, cool look that I've always liked. Ever since Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction. There's something very alluring about that look, and the way CDPR made her stare at you during that initial conversation... it was almost creepy how realistic it was, and how it seemed like she could see into your soul. Later on, I had the same feeling with the doll who laid me down on the bed with her and went all Miss Cleo on me. CDPR definitely captured a feeling of a near-superhuman seduction ability from the dolls in this game. It was unnerving but very immersive, and fun.
If anyone ever figures out how to make Evelyn from the presets in the character creation screen, I'm definitely going to model one of my V's off of her look.