Welll..by 2077 the narrative has been altered. And Johnny...is not really Johnny either. CDPR holds the 2020 timeline as canon, too, so, yes.
Nice to know at least one corp listened to their head of technical services.
Whole thread is a good read.
But to summarize - the bombing of A tower was planned and executed by the US Gov and Militech and several operators, including Morgan Blackhand. Night City was an enemy-held territory on US soil. Johnny was there as part of the distraction team, Alpha, that Arasaka was supposed to chase as the main team.
The MAIN objective was the Arasaka data hoard in the basement, targetted by Strike Team Beta. Super valuable as the DataKrash was eating everything in sight.
Read the whole thing - it's quite illuminating.
Remember, though, by 2077, it's been 50 plus years since the DataKrash and the world-wide Net that existed at that time going down.
Whole lotta BS out there. Of course! The age of disinformation is very much a Cyberpunk theme.