it doesn't matter
We discuss game universe and I posted answer that SK V1 saves personalities, when SK V2 additionally saves living engrams
My comparing with RL is just exaggeration for clarity
Okay let's see what i saw ingame:
- Arasaka Ads: chip saves the soul and yourself. (Still you find emails - e.g. on the Laptop you find with Hanako near one end that engrams are a failing and not the complete thing).
- In the Hotel room scene, Hellman: "The Biochip is what's unique, not Silverhands engram... The previous version of the chip was only used to to communicate with pre-saved engrams." - V: "And it was rare as fuck and cost a fortune, yeah." - Hellman: "This ones rarer. Meant to install and activate the engram in a new body."
- With Alt at the Voodoo Boys: - V: "So... you'll save my life but flatline me along the way?" - Alt: "Your consciousness, neural engrams, will be recorded as data. The rest will cease to exist." - V: "The rest?" - Alt: "The soul. I did not grant the program its name, but Soulkiller does precisely what it promises to do." - Johnny: "Christ i don't want listen to this bullshit. V just hops back into her body, right? Nothin' changes." - Alt: "Everything changes. You know this well."
- Engram Jackie - Not the real deal either, right?
- Johnny Silverhand - Jumps from him being him and him not being him, as far as i remember Johnny.
Anything i'm missing yet, that's actually saying that Soulkiller 2.0 is different from what Alt tells us? Or Arasakas internal emails?