When you finish that quest were some maelstromers had kidnapped two monks, later on you can talk to them about conscience, engrams and live in general.In the first meeting, Alt says that she will record consciousness and engram, but the soul will cease to exist.
But then in the final after Mikoshi Alt says that V will continue to live as before if he returns to his body.
Are there any other references in the game about the soul and what does it mean?
Does soulkiller really transfer the real V? Do we see the new copied V in the epilogue?
I ask you not to speculate and to show facts from the game itself or lore if it's possible.
So, what they say is pretty much that if something is sentient then is alive, therefore it has a soul.
I dont want to start a discussion about what a soul is and its transcendence (or lack thereof) but its s bit too extreme for me to think that V is soulless just because some AI says so...
I felt his soul pretty clearly riding towards the horizon with Panam...