[Spoilers] Temperance

I don't usually do this but I really felt like I had to get this off my chest. I've been playing since release, have 150 hours of the game under my belt, and really enjoyed the game. The first ending I got was the "Where is my Mind" ending, in which I choose to enter Mikoshi, and as the last thing I wanted to do in the game was to get all the different endings.

I enjoyed all the endings, as sweet, bitter sweet, or devistating they were, but there was one thing that just kept bothering me, which was Temperance.

It bothers me that Johnny doesn't respond to your loved one. From what I can understand V had an impact on Johnny to step away, leave his whole grudge behind and move forward into something new. Even making an effort to mark a grave for V. Despite of that, he ghosts whomever you attempted to build a relationship with, which was Judy in my case. And seeing that ending, with Judy calling V and Johnny not picking up or responing, having her feel left, forgotten, or abandoned, just got to me.

I know it's dumb, and I know it's probably the least thing that people worry about when they look at the state of the game right now, and what needs attention, but it bothered me and I just had to get it off my chest, thanks.
It's especially frustrating - as you're given an opportunity to call them before the end mission - not being able to leave a message in case it all goes south is bad - and yeah, in my Johnny takes my body ending - we had a great relationship and my character really fought hard to make sure he lived. So Johnny not at least trying to let the people V cares about know what went down is a minor frustration - that encounter between Johnny and Panam would be something else.


Forum regular
Yeah, this ending needs a bit of work. Johnny doesn't even contact Rogue if she's still alive. But hey, at least he does mention that he won't be a girl very much longer if you were playing as a female V.

I liked the idea of this ending, as life beyond the blackwall sounded interesting. A few interactions between V's friends would have went a long way, and what could have made it epic is a few digital glitches, or easter eggs in the background to let you know V was playing around in the digital world.
I think as I have had time to process, The New Dawn Fades have become my favorite of the possible endings. I know that the character of Johnny didn't work for everyone. But, I have always love the "glorious asshole" archetypes. And Johnny fit this archetype to a t. So, I loved how low-key and bittersweet the ending was with Johnny, finally growing up and maturing a little bit and beginning to realize that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't always about him. Plus, I've been really digging the Cobra Kai series and the New Dawn Fades ending with Johnny and the kid gave me Johnny Lawerence and Miguel Diaz vibes.
There is nothing he could/can say to any of them to make anything better, if anything he saves them even more pain, do you think any of them would believe him that it was V's choice to let Johnny take over there body? All of them would believe, as Panam does, that Johnny "stole" it
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