(Spoilers) The Witcher Trivia Game!

@Monixe You sure you're not referring to Norman Sador, the arbalist? Because nothing's wrong with his face. The disfigured soldier Foltest talks to before that remains unnamed.
Ups. You are right, I lost my mind :)

I thought Norman Sador was the man with the disfigured face. Time to replay TW2....

As you knew what I meant, it's your turn
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It's okay, at least you now have a reason to replay TW2 :p

I don't really have a question for you guys, someone else can take my turn.
What is the name of the inn where Geralt and Borch had a 'philosophical' discussion?
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Just got the Polish version here: "Pod Zadumanym Smokiem" - something like "At the thoughtful dragon" in English? Hm. Would've known the German translation, at least :D
The Pensive Dragon...But thoughtful dragon is close enough ;)
Your turn!
Damn, The Sword of Destiny is not translated in English :wallbash: My mistake...
Though, he have unofficial english name :D

You know, I was surprised too when I learned that the book was translated in italian and not in english... that was just weird, and I was like "What! Are we truly ahead of english publishers? What is this witchcraft!"
Anyway SOD is my favourite book of the saga, and I cannot thank more for having read it in my mother language *wipes tears away*


The name in italian is something like Goats-eater (Mangiacapre), cannot say anything more. :hmmm:

You know, I was surprised too when I learned that the book was translated in italian and not in english... that was just weird, and I was like "What! Are we truly ahead of english publishers? What is this witchcraft!"
Anyway SOD is my favourite book of the saga, and I cannot thank more for having read it in my mother language *wipes tears away*


The name in italian is something like Goats-eater (Mangiacapre), cannot say anything more. :hmmm:
Yeah...I was even more surprised when english/american publishers decided to skip SoD and publish Blood of Elves...What is the point???

The name we use is exactly the same as polish original-Kozojed...And yes, that means Goat-eater :D
This character is based on a character from Polish folklore.

A popular version of the Wawel Dragon tale takes place in Kraków during the reign of King Krakus, the city's legendary founder. Each day the evil dragon would beat a path of destruction across the countryside, killing the civilians, pillaging their homes and devouring their livestock. In many versions of the story, the dragon especially enjoyed eating young maidens, and could only be appeased if the townsfolk left a young girl in front of its cave once a month. The King certainly wanted to put a stop to the dragon, but his bravest knights fell to its fiery breath. In the versions involving the sacrifice of young girls, every girl in the city was eventually sacrificed except one, the King's daughter Wanda. In desperation, the King promised his beautiful daughter's hand in marriage to anyone who could defeat the dragon. Great warriors from near and far fought for the prize and failed. One day a poor cobbler's apprentice named Skuba accepted the challenge. He stuffed a lamb with sulphur and set it outside the dragon's cave. The dragon ate it and soon became incredibly thirsty. He turned to the Vistula River for relief and drank and drank. But no amount of water could quench his aching stomach, and after swelling up from drinking half the Vistula river, he exploded. Skuba married the King's daughter as promised, and they lived happily ever after.

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