[Spoilers] There seems to be an empathy mechanic in the game which could (if not cut?) affect the endings.

Endgame Spoilers

The player has, as many probably noticed already, a **LOT** of conversation options in the game to be empathetic or not. Like:

1) Asking if someone is ok, over straight up asking for your money
2) Showing mercy or not
3) Using violence over diplomacy
4) Again... just regular 2 option conversations where you can act humane, or be callous

This goes for so many side gigs and missions in the game. You also have the Johnny friend meter. So here is what I've deducted:

I think, unless it is cut from the game. That there could be specific hidden endings if you have very high empathy or very low empathy. Coupled with very low friendship or very high friendship with Johnny. In the devil ending they even state they are testing your empathy!

I suspect most players fall in the middle or high empathy. So for science, I will make my next character extremely callous. Maybe I'm wrong. Sure. But it seems obvious to me that "all the pointless choices" which people claim they are, actually could matter. It is very apparent that most the minor conversation options in the game - is a measure of your character being empathetic and humane, or cold and callous. Thoughts?
It's why i asked specifically if anyone had max or lowest rate % with johnny, to see if anytying differs, but it doesn't, like everything else, if the quest is associated with unlocking a ending, do it and the subsequent quests and that ending unlocks, dont and the ending stays locked, getting another is just dialogue juggling.

Nothing else matters tbh, i played 1 playthrough and i let johnny assume control for all his side missions etc and had the % at something like 70 and in another i ignored him as best as the game allowed doing none of his side content etc an finished on 25 i think, absolutely nothing changed apart from i was locked out of endings i didn't want anyhow so no big loss
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