Starter Decks Removal 10.4

I disagree. With the way the starter decks are partitioned away from other decks, and the way they were designed not to consume the limited number of “slots” for decks, they are no real trouble for those who wish not to use them.

But for some players they are invaluable. I know first hand that not all decks work — that it is easy to modify a sound deck and unwittingly make something unplayable. And through rank 20, maybe rank 15, starter decks are very viable — I used mine almost exclusively until about rank 17. Being able to retrieve a usable deck after a deck building catastrophe is important — and might even reduce net-decking.

I always had the foresight to save my original starter decks. Now the new category for starter decks serves another purpose. Until I got those decks, I was unaware just how much “starter decks” change over time. In the two plus years I have played, not one starter leader has remained the same. Several of the highest provision cards have changed in each deck I examined. I am now able to better understand and advise newer players. And if nothing else, starter deck comparisons provide interesting insights into the history of Gwent.
I disagree. With the way the starter decks are partitioned away from other decks, and the way they were designed not to consume the limited number of “slots” for decks, they are no real trouble for those who wish not to use them.

But for some players they are invaluable. I know first hand that not all decks work — that it is easy to modify a sound deck and unwittingly make something unplayable. And through rank 20, maybe rank 15, starter decks are very viable — I used mine almost exclusively until about rank 17. Being able to retrieve a usable deck after a deck building catastrophe is important — and might even reduce net-decking.

I always had the foresight to save my original starter decks. Now the new category for starter decks serves another purpose. Until I got those decks, I was unaware just how much “starter decks” change over time. In the two plus years I have played, not one starter leader has remained the same. Several of the highest provision cards have changed in each deck I examined. I am now able to better understand and advise newer players. And if nothing else, starter deck comparisons provide interesting insights into the history of Gwent.

But just because you do not agree, doesn´t mean I cant have an option to remove them. Why are you or others choosing for me? If I want them gone and it clogs my deck space, it is my personal choice, not your and nor it should be Gwents.

I get it, new players need them. There were several good options how to go about it. Just make an import selection if you want to make it. Or choose it elsewhere. Or maybe hide the removal behind level. Like when you hit first prestige, you can finally get rid of the starter decks.

Anything. I don´t mind people who want them, I don´ t mind people who don´t. But let the players choose.

PS: Also if they do wanna keep they should fix it, because auto mill Resource focus (right option) doesn´t work if you have cards that are in your starter decks, WHICH you cant remove! Because you can´t mill a card that is in a deck. And I can´t mill my cards because they are in starter deck, which I cant remove, and I can mill my card.
And please don´t tell me to keep the cards and not care and that bs. It is my choice, and this is not working as intended.

Either fix one thing or the other. Tbh I didnt even notice the starter decks until this milling thing. But I still vote for people to have an option. There is zero reason to force this on anyone who doesn´t want it.
I agree with @rotorko these starter decks have no reason to exist in the library. Import button is a good decision: you technically still have them, but they don’t clog your screen with useless decks.
This is just not comfortable to look at the library and see these 5 just sitting there for nothing
I'm a user who played the gwent for more than 900 hours. It's been a while since I came back, so there are starter decks for each factions. It becomes a 'auxiliary wheel' for beginners to play the game easily. However, it is visual pollution for familiar users who can copy and customize their decks. please add the function to the setting to hide Ugly, Unnecessary 'auxiliary wheel' . I don't understand why we have to complicate ui when there is no rule to fight only with starter decks.
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