Steam exclusive goodies

Not a fan of this.
Yes, it's just a story, not in-game stuff but I still don't like it. You start out with this and next game you'll have platform exclusives.

I bought this on GOG specifically to support you guys because you were pro-consumer even though I'd very much prefer to have my games on Steam because its the superior platform in terms of features.
And now you do this...

Also people in this thread are saying it's not a pre-order exclusive but the wording sure is misleading if that is the case... creating that feeling of "missing out" that greedy publishers love to use.

Get Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam to receive a short story written by our Story Lead, Tomasz Marchewka.

"2AM — She Calls" will show you the hostile streets of Night City as seen by Frank, an ex-NCPD officer working the night shift as a Combat Cab driver.

In addition, you'll also get a set of exclusive goodies including avatars, posters, and a wallpaper!

I think the posters around the city are THE BEST thing I've ever seen in a game. It reminds me of that Twitter account "Dark Stock Photos". It would be amazing if you released those in the kit of digital goodies. It's a dumb request, I just kept seeing them around NC and thought they are just marvelous. Perfect balance between ridicule, grotesque, dark and humorous.
These are not pre-order bonuses. Buying on Steam after release would also give you the same items.

So if I don't order it before release I don't get the bonus story that someone who purchased the game, in advance, on Steam gets? Yes, I clearly see now how this is not a platform exclusive bonus for preordering on one particular platform instead of another.
This didn't age well. How did Obi Wan put it?
CDPR you were supposed to destroy them, not join them.
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