Steam launch crashes, but exe. launch does not. Any ideas?

Hi all, I have 365 hours in Witcher3 on Steam and i didn't even remember the last time it crashed, until yesterday, it crashed 4 times in one night. I tried disabling mods and such but it keept going. (I play next gen version but on DX11) I'm not very into tech so i dont really know why. Then i came across someone on the internet launching the game through bin>x64>Witcher3.exe without Steam. I tried the same and surprisingly it worked (for now at least, i haven't encountered a crash for hours).
Is there something wrong with Steam's DRM, making the game crash for some reason? As far as i know CDPR games does not have a DRM on their own, and launching the .exe without Steam seems to be working fine.
Could that even be a problem on Steam's end? Or maybe im just theorizing in my head, as i said im not very into tech...
Is there anyone encountering the same thing? What could be the reason?
It could be any number of things from that description, but I think most likely reason may have been a wonky connection via your ISP. As it hasn't happen since, that would seem to line up. Any time a game has online features running (even if they're not required for the game itself, necessarily) it can create issues if the connection is lost, low-bandwidth, or otherwise unstable. It could have been something else running on your system at the time that was taking focus away from the game at the wrong moment, as well.

I doubt it was any form of DRM that was causing it. Steam's DRM in particular only fires once at launch to verify the ownership of the game and doesn't need to be online to work. It does not run continuously in the background unless it's an online MP game.
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