Still finding stuff!!! + 1.52

I said that I wasn't going to return after my banter with the infiltrators. But, I'm back because I still love this game!

1.5 was Genius, and I still haven't finished my 4th playthrough due to it, and now I'm just finished downloading 1.52.

Beyond the youtube spoilers, I now say that the "fire-cult-death-sand storm-shard" thing is the most outstanding thing since the guy that got killed over the onions and hamburger. it's the most traditionally RPG-styled event in the game. Lately, I've been playing Divinity 2 after getting around to it on GOG. Looking at parallels, similarities, and things between CP77 and Divinity 2 that would benefit each other.

I'll probably get around to all of that later. Otherwise, GOOD JOB CDPR! This game can afford more development for years to come. I'm still excited about the game and I think they should go ahead and push for a full dating sim mechanic LOL! After the "Ranita and Abuela" thing, I'm not only in awe of the implementation but I'm equally creeped out by how brilliant it is to capture real-life scenarios that way. You guys are awesome!
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