Stop Desecratin' Gwent!

Stop Desecratin' Gwent!

Death tae any and all new factions!
There is gonna be more than trouble brewin' if'n you don't! :listen:
Scoot - all o' youse! Off yer arses and hie to Skellige, ye isle-lovin' seal-slurpers!
Stop yer mum from fuckin' ferrets! And hands off our gwent!
We've said it, plenty o' times. Yet no one ever listens! :skepticalzoltan:
Gwent's an ancient pastime. Its rules were set ages ago.
Determined in keepin' wit' the laws o' nature!
There should be four factions. Nilfgaard included! That is the optimal number!
We'll not tolerate the introduction or exclusion of any others! It would disgrace the tradition!
Yer already stuffing these Skellige bastards down our throats, and now yer gettin' rid of another!
Aye! Leave our gwent the fuck alone! :surprised2:
Enough o' this! Dinnae come here to jabber, but to break fuckin' heids in defense o' tradition! C'mon, lads! :comeatmebro:
Death tae any and all new factions!
There is gonna be more than trouble brewin' if'n you don't! :listen:
Scoot - all o' youse! Off yer arses and hie to Skellige, ye isle-lovin' seal-slurpers!
Stop yer mum from fuckin' ferrets! And hands off our gwent!
We've said it, plenty o' times. Yet no one ever listens! :skepticalzoltan:
Gwent's an ancient pastime. Its rules were set ages ago.
Determined in keepin' wit' the laws o' nature!
There should be four factions. Nilfgaard included! That is the optimal number!
We'll not tolerate the introduction or exclusion of any others! It would disgrace the tradition!
Yer already stuffing these Skellige bastards down our throats, and now yer gettin' rid of another!
Aye! Leave our gwent the fuck alone! :surprised2:
Enough o' this! Dinnae come here to jabber, but to break fuckin' heids in defense o' tradition! C'mon, lads! :comeatmebro:

Bravo Sir you are a Better version on me ;)
Gwent's an ancient pastime. Its rules were set ages ago.

The quest was fun and interesting, but that one line bothered me. How can all the cards be people in the current world if the game is so ancient unless they are constantly adding new cards and replacing older ones? Foltest couldn't have been the face of Northern Realms in an ancient version of the game. For that matter, how long has Nilfgaard been an empire? In the books, Cahir seemed to imply his country was conquered and absorbed into the NE during his lifetime (which is why he insisted he wasn't a Nilfgaardian when Geralt keeps calling him that). IIRC, most of the expansion was during the time of Emhyr's father.

So, change has to be a given, if the cards are to keep up with the current stock of known figures (would that mean Radovid cards might Eventually replace Foltest carrds, since Foltest was killed by Letho?) then changes and updates are a given. For that matter, Scoiatel probably would not have been an original faction (didn;t they rise after the first Nilfgaardian war?) so even the factions would have changed over time.

Fun quest, great dialog. But it really started me thinking about reality vs perception on the "history" of Gwent if it were actually an "ancient" game.
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