My new Witcher game MC ideas can be summarized into this:
1. Ciri. Probably the most obvious & probable choice since it has been discussed multiple times even by CDPR themselves.
2. Player Witcher. A Blank slate, a perfect start to a new kind of journey/story while also give players more chances to characterized their own MC. It's also a perfect chance to get deep into different Witcher schools from Wolf or the 5 established ones.
3. Vesemir. I can't be the only that want this & I am pretty sure a vet witcher like Vesemir have a lot of story potentials to tell.
4. Multiple "first gen" Witchers. Yes, basically multiple (2-3) MCs & player will controls this witchers across the continent. My idea for this is basically telling a story how the first witchers developed their own hunting methods & every other legacies, including maybe even how they found other new witcher schools.
5. New "Eastern" Witcher. A completely new witcher character from beyond the blue mountains, the eastern land part of the old continent. This is basically more like opening a new chests of treasures that completely different than the witcher world from the old continent. CDPR can go wild with this. Hell, maybe a more eastern/asian style aesthetic would be very interesting. It doesn't even have to be Japanese-esque imo.
6. Eskel. This is basically Geralt but edgier & even more stoic. While I am not super intrigued with this idea, I am very much welcome it.