Subtitles are problematic

I don't know what settings to put to be able to hear everything. If I remove overhear subtitles I miss a lot of important stuff but at the same time, overhear subtitles are too small to read. Plus they ruin immersion and also pop up as blue 'talk bubbles' on the screen that never leave or glitch. Isn't there an option to have everything just show up at the bottom of the screen?

Also sometimes important story conversation is classed as 'Overhear' and I don't get to ever 'see' (hear) it. I have cinematic subtitles on and I will be in a mission and miss important bits talked by the mission characters. An example is the BD of Evelyn with Voodoo Boys phonecall, among others.
Are you talking about the NPC in direct conversation with you and your mission or the random NPC in the surrounding area like vendors and public? I noticed that even in settings when you disable the random NPC subtitles they still show up on screen as you look around, which I find extremely distracting.
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