Suggestion: Implement mulligan blacklisting again

RNG is good for card games. The most strategic card games out there need it. It forces you to take risks, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Most importantly makes every game /different/.
I want different games based on different deck builds and not different games with the same deck based on gambling-like draw-RNG. That type of RNG is exactly the opposite of strategy.
If you absolutely cannot win because of that RNG, the problem is your deck, or your mulligan choices, not RNG.
That's simply not true. You can often see streamers and tournament players losing with the strongest decks, simply because draw-RNG left the strongest cards and/or the best combos in the deck.
Games like magic are very strategic without blacklisting, a much more punishing mulligan system, much greater reliance on types of cards you need to draw(even balance of lands and creatures) and far less access to your deck.
I don't care about other card games. I'm focusing on what I would like to see for Gwent, making Gwent a fun and unique game.
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