Suggestion: Indicator for "initiative"

Exactly with how cards with "adrenaline" tag got an indicator (glowing red border) I think the same treatment should go for cards with "Initiative".
Just make Initiative border be a different color obviously, like Blue for example. :) Just to remind us that there exists a condition lol.

I would also love a card counter for each row saying "x / 9" where x represents the number of cards on that row, we'd still need to pay attention to if those cards are artifacts or units or what tags they have but at least it would make in-game life slightly easier.
Ty for taking the time to read, have a nice day.
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Please add us an optional warning to the game when you have a card with the "initiative", it would display gigantic letters saying:


That's the kind of thing that I learn from by experience and try to remember to not make the same mistake again. Making mistakes doesn't always cost me games. The rigged matchmaking does.
Bump and I edited the first post. Now I suggest an adrenaline-like indicator of giving a blue (or some other color) colored border when the initiative is active. :)
Would be a nice little "quality of life" addition.
Initiative literally only requires you to do nothing else before playing the card. I don't see any need to have an indicator for that, especially when only three cards currently have the keyword.

There is quality of life and then there is excessive hand-holding. This would be in the latter category.

Adrenaline comes with a number, which varies, and there are cards that get weaker when their Adrenaline is active, so the indicator makes sense. Initiative is as simple as it gets; either you play the card as your first action or you don't, and Initiative always breaks if you don't.
I don't see how it's simpler then counting the number of cards you hold lol.
The thing is players pay strict attention when playing a card, but when using orders (especially some simple stuff that you think is super safe like the order on the Cow that turns into a Chort (and you're so eager to click it cause you're happy it survived the round lol) or location orders), you can forget that it affects that card in your hand.
I don't see how it's simpler then counting the number of cards you hold
The answer is in your own post. Counting, while still extremely easy, is less simple than literally not doing anything.

Plus, there's the factor I mentioned, of Adrenaline sometimes being something you don't want to be active when playing a card (e.g. Gert).
Initiative is never something you don't want to be active.
Bump and I edited the first post. Now I suggest an adrenaline-like indicator of giving a blue (or some other color) colored border when the initiative is active. :)
Would be a nice little "quality of life" addition.
When I used to play MTG, they often had bright colours to indicate that you could play a card but unfortunately it made no distinction between it being a good time to play a card or not. Sometimes playing the highlight card would be pointless or useless.
I think Gwent should not be a game where only proper plays decide about victory.
Misplays are also important. And there's already enough indication in the card description when to and when not to use it.
Rule #1: know your cards. :)
I don't think the adrenaline indicators were necessary, but they certainly don't hurt anything. I don't see any reason not to include an initiative indicator. Again, not necessary, but wouldn't hurt anything. Might be a good opportunity to expand initiative to some other cards as well, to justify adding the indicator ;)

Otherwise you could eliminate the need for initiative altogether by locking your board / leader until you play a card. You must play a card first or you can't do anything else (except pass, of course). Chew on that for a minute :)
Otherwise you could eliminate the need for initiative altogether by locking your board / leader until you play a card. You must play a card first or you can't do anything else (except pass, of course).
No. This would be a terrible idea, because sometimes it's necessary for one's gameplan to use an Order (or several) before playing a card. The freedom absolutely has to exist.

It's not difficult to not do anything else before playing one of the grand total of three Initiative cards, and it being the player's own responsibility is perfectly fine considering this isn't a kids' game.
No. This would be a terrible idea, because sometimes it's necessary for one's gameplan to use an Order (or several) before playing a card. The freedom absolutely has to exist.

It's not difficult to not do anything else before playing one of the grand total of three Initiative cards, and it being the player's own responsibility is perfectly fine considering this isn't a kids' game.
I can certainly appreciate that. However, it seems that "initiative" was a direct response to abuses of said gameplan. Just a hypothetical option is all. The devs have already determined that certain cards can't exist in their originally intended forms while still allowing full use of the board before playing them... So much so that they invented a new keyword to explicitly limit their use. Not saying it would be a popular idea, but it would "solve the problem" that initiative presents. Plus I have never seen any update that didn't disrupt someone's gamelan.
i dont mind to have an iniciative indicator, but i dont think its the same as adrenaline.

Adrenaline its more dificult to know exactly the time where the adrenaline works, special when your opponent is using a card with it.

If there is a card in the opponent row with adrenaline, when it turns red you know its using the adrenaline
I understand Initiative must exist to prevent you from setting up the board for some insane igni or Regis or other stuff BUT losing a game cause I accidently used the heal on Hearn Caduch which then disabled my Igni feels rather horrible, losing for a stupid reason.
If no indicator then let us use Ctrl + Z to Undo last order lol.

Yes it's easy to say "just don't do anything it's eazyy!!", but you need to remember and fully focus on that, and if you don't you have a brick in your hand.

I mean it's like if there was a rule in football that you can't scratch yourself before doing the penalty kick, and then if you do scratch yourself your team loses the right to shoot that penalty shot lmao (or if the goalkeeper scratches himself then he is denied the right to try and defend the goal and the kicker gets to shoot into an empty goal). You get me? Just a stupid thing to lose an entire game for!

Also I would compare it if there was a rule in poker or any other card game that you're not allowed to look at the ceiling, and if you do you lose and forfeit all of your money! Now sure it's easy to just not look into the ceiling... BUT WHY?? Why would I have to be obsessed thinking about such a thing?!
I compare it like this cause looking at the ceiling in a poker game has a precisely equal impact on the poker game as using Hearn Caduch has on setting up units for Igni or for Regis, meaning NONE! :)

Also imagine if in baseball you're forbidden from quietly humming a song you like and if you are seen humming any melody to yourself you are disqualified from the game! :O WTF?! Well that's exactly how it feels to lose a game to pointless stuff disabling your initiative condition.
Sure it's "easy" to just not hum anything but why would you need to focus on something dumb like that? :eek: why would that have to occupy your mind when you have more important things to worry about. :( Why would something silly as this have to be a win/lose condition?
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