Hello everyone,
I had the intention of coming in and making my own forum post about some of the things I'd like to see in the game, but since I don't have time to make 10 forum posts I'll slip mine in here. Hopefully someone will see them and think they're neat *crosses fingers*.
Please note - some spoilers (sorta?) ahead.
First - Since 1.2 The quest with Stefan called Sweet Dreams is logged in my journal, but I had already completed it by ending the conversation and not buying his stupid BD. Please get this out of my journal. I can't talk to him or do anything to get it out of there.
Second - In the quest called Killing in the Name I am still unable to hack the terminal on the wall of the building. There have been times I've completed the little sequence thing, but nothing ever happens. The thing is bugged. Examples of it are on Youtube as well.
Third - I gave Skippy back, and now have a weapon slot I'll never be able to fill on my wall in my apartment. Please have the space on my wall be for Skippy AND one of the crafted pistols so I can fill the hole. It bothers me to no end.
Fourth - Please give us a vendor with more than $20,000 credits on him/her. You know what we're doing, but we love you so please cater to us.
Fifth - PLEASE give me the option to go back to the church in pacifica and murder the voodoo boyz. Ever since I watched a Youtube video of the Netwatch side and how they used me, I've wanted to go back and make the choice to kill them after I wake up. I want a perfect profile, and this would need to include wiping those turds off the face of the earth. Yet, I cannot force myself to play the entire game and all side missions in order to do it. PLEASE give me the option to kill them after the fact!
Sixth - More customization options with brown and blonde hair. My current black hair looks weird.
Seventh - I know this is probably in the works, but please expand the relationships the main character can have. Also, after getting through their storyline to not have a way to *do the dirty* is pretty silly. I mean, I can go see a joytoy, but I can't be with someone my character supposedly cares about? It's just a little off to me.
Add on to seven - Also, please just don't expand on Panam and Judy. Add other small-medium size relationships as well and try to set them up with some good content going into the expansion packs if possible.
Eighth - I'd love to be able to hide my helm, or have a helm that's not intrusive to my character looks if I should choose. I hate my bandana at the moment, and would love to replace it.
Ninth - A new sniper from the future xpacks that looks badass and fires some crazy new technology (like a plasma rifle or something) that can be charged up as well. Have the projectile be a blue looking bullet instead of the typical one with a sweet disintegration effect when it hits enemies and kills them in one hit. Light them on fire if the shot doesn't kill them. That would be an awesome addition for a Sniper Rifle.
Tenth - This one is purely for the cool factor. Please add a sleek and powerful pistol that's black and inlaid with gold in some places, and has a small bold gold line going down to the barrel of the gun. I'd love to pick this type of gun off a Corpo and have some cool lore like it belonged to Richard Night or something to that effect.
Just thought of this one after I posted - Please fix the items in my inventory with the little quest icon. I can't put them in my stash. I also upgraded guns like Overwatch all the way to legendary, but I'm unable to do anything with the base rare version of it. It's stuck in my inventory. Also have the same problem with Johnny's clothes that I upgraded. I wear the legendary version, but can't get rid of the epic/rare versions of it either by disassembling it or putting it in my stash.
Nothing other than that at the moment. THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GAME! I look forward to everything else that is coming!