My requests are quite reasonable (I think):
Secondary things I'd like.
- Give us a Save Profile management. Let us organize our different characters. I don't know if this would be implemented because it wasn't in Witcher. I tried a mod but does not work as I expected (it works but in other ways).
- Let us disable autocenter camera while driving. There are mods but I'd like to have it in vanilla game.
- Let us change our appearance post Character Creation. There are mods for that but also would be great having it in vanilla.
Secondary things I'd like.
- Customizing our apartment (and paying the rent). I'd love to drop existing objects in the game in the apartment. Some junk, beverages...
- More clothes.
- More content with NPCs, especially with LIs.
- A bit more variety in the Character Creation. For example, I find makeup colours quite limited.
- Having the option of coming back to places we've already visited in gigs.