IMPORTANT: Guys, lets strictly keep this thread only for Suggestions without delving into Politics or any off topic matter. We don't want this to be deleted.
I love the game! Thank you so much for a great game CDPR! However, these are my concerns and suggestions about the game although I am satisfied with how Nudity is right now, It is included as it is very high in demand. Hope they are fixed or added. Just because I am stating these does not mean that there are no aspects of the game I love. There are many in fact.
These are a list of features I have noticed and in my opinion need some working to do upon or to be added as was either promised or expected by me. If anyone can add on any features to the thread I will do my best to compile them into this one.
It is important that these suggestions go to the CDPR team and needs to be in a concise location so they can easily access and work upon or even take notice. Let me start.
Optimization is Obviously a huge concern and I know it has been stated enough so I have omitted most aspects of it.
Features I would like to be added or improved upon
Character Customization
- You can never have TOO MUCH of character creation. Need more CDPR, Give us body height, weight, shape, hairstyles, eyes, face shapes etc.
- More Clothes and styling. Night City was advertised was a City where your looks are the most important and how it mattered to every choice you make.
- Where are all the Saloons/ Cosmetic Surgeons or Ripperdocs/ Nail and Hairdressers? In game character customization is close to zero.
- A way to preview clothes before you buy them from shops! I'm not asking to copy the GTA mechanic of buying clothes but perhaps a thought to be considered? Maybe like an interactive dressing room. The way we buy clothes right now is so Basic and games have been implementing it since a decade like Skyrim.
- Hide Clothing option for people who want the stats on the clothing but don't want the clothes to show, especially with hats and facewear.
- Transmog : Changing clothes style with different stats. Or even upgrading their stats without changing the look and vice versa. This is a must in 2020 rpg gaming imo.
- Ability to Dye Clothes and change colors.
- Cyberware mod or just a flashlight to see better in darker areas! I change gamma way too often.
- A well thought out system for combat and looks going hand in hand for reference is below
This is probably the most disappointing aspect of the game for most who wanted immersion. The AI is no where up to par in my opinions. Probably needs a huge overhaul.
Police AI is hideous, they just spawn on the player.
Traffic AI is not very immersive. Honking cars seems to work like its supposed to but its too basic. The cars just get stuck by themselves and do nothing but just stay on the street.
- I really thought NPC AI would come to me and call me a "Joytoy" or "Sl*t" if I walked around naked. But that does not seem to be the case, at least that's what I gathered from the advertising, I could have misunderstood, still a cool feature maybe. These kind of AI interactions make it "next gen gaming".
- The more I play the game, the more I find the AI dumber. In the starting I saw the same NPC probably twice. But now 50 hours in, I have seen instances where two exact copies of NPC are beside each other with synced actions.
- Give the AI and NPCs more unique dialogues, there are a lot of upcoming Audio Bots, etc. Try to implement in the game so the generation and randomization is handled better by the API, focus on adding more dialogues.
Shops and Bars : More interactive looking and functioning shops.
- As stated before more shops : Barber shops/ Cosmetics/ Furniture Shops/ Exclusive gun shops like only snipers/pistols/katanas type.
- Also I noticed, MOST of the cool looking shops are closed lol, as in non interactable, please open them.
- If I could actually Interact with the Bartender and have a Drink cinematic scene instead of just buying from the store and getting it into my inventory. Maybe have a dialogue with the bartender etc.
- Same as the Last Point but with Restaurants, Shops, Bars, etc would be nice.
- Ripperdocs : Installing Cyberware and Cybernetic parts is so underwhelming. The first scene is very immersive with Viktor, but then its so damn flat. Need at least an explanatory dialogue about the implant and or a conversation with the ripperdoc before getting the implant to ease into it. You can not just make it buy and install like any other market mechanic and expect it to be immersive or satisfying.
- Usable Arcade machines! How are you not going to let us interact with arcade machines? I'm guessing It was planned but not implemented due to lack of time, because we can use Vending Machines.
- Gambling : A huge important feature missing in Night City.
Better Home Interaction! I might be saying some points which
might already have been implemented here and maybe I just haven't discovered during my play.
- A way to Add furniture.
- Expansion of house.
- More home services like adding a selling machine, Teleport station, Cybernetic upgrades, Mini Bar, etc.
- Vehicle Garage?
- Pets! They don't need to be of living kind, they can be Mecha bots or something similar.
Romance : More Romance Options. All Gender compatibility. NPC Romance.
- Too little options as of now. Enough Said.
- More casual dates other than just side missions.
Public and Private Transport
- Metro System.
- AV / Basilisk (flying car) system for transport would be cool.
- Cars feel like they have no gravity or downward force. No heaviness leading to janky driving feel.
- Lesser drifting of cars or oversensitivity to turns.
- NO auto-center Cameras in cars especially TPP.
- Adjustable Seat Height In first person PLEASE! I love driving in first person for the immersion but in some cars I can not even see what's in front of the car in first person.
- This might be a bit too much to ask for in the early stages but flying vehicles (AVs) which we can control like how we can control a car for sure.
- Better Driving physics, the drifting of a car seems very janky to me.
- Expensive vehicles should be better in at least some aspect i.e. Looks / Performance Stats etc.
- A realistic maintenance and "gathering dust" of a vehicle would be a huge addon to immersion. This also does call for maintenance and car wash shops/ areas.
Increased Aim Assist on Controllers as an option. I can not shoot anything, and its especially hard when I am running at lower frames in crowded areas.
More Stealth Kill Animations. Breaking the neck is satisfying for the first few times then it gets bland.
- Censorship of the genitals should be removed. The boxers should be gone even when in FPP view or looking in the mirror or taking a shower. At least in home instance.
Miscellaneous and Bugs
- This seems to be the most unique idea which I have seen to fix the problem of having way too less music in the Radios. Give us a legitimate instructions to access the folder and put out own music in the folder, whatever we want, until more songs and music are added. This might cause some legal problems, if so, just tell us and be transparent CDPR.
- FOV changes automatically sometimes.
- Countering Strong attacks or "Defensive attacks" audio is very rough and glitched.
- Pinging (Ping quickhack) in some areas generates too many particles and crashes the game and even many computers. //Update this with the location//
- You can not run after a quick combo in combat and are stuck with walking until you restart the game or do a "Joytoy scene".
- IMPORTANT: Do not Disturb mode and Decline Calls and Messages in game. Ability to Decline Calls which are not related to story progressions. These calls tend to completely disrupt the current activity especially when my character is already in a dialogue sequence.
- General feet going through ground and glitching out. Enemies dying and getting stuck in objects. Running over NPCS can sometimes can cause them to be stuck in you and throw the car in different directions and screw up the physics, etc.
- Add an Interface for selecting different load games; a Character Selection Screen. I am playing 3 different lifepaths without wanting to delete any character and every time I have to go to the load game menu and squint my eyes to find where "Nomad" "Corpo" or "Street Kid" are written. Why not have a Character selection screen which acts the same as Load game screen.
Fix the speed acceleration or friction on game objects such as fences, rails, side paths, barbed wire etc. Jumping and running on them accelerated me to unbelievable amount of speeds.
- Bunny Hops or constant jumping while doing a combination of aiming your gun and scanning with TAB are broken. You travel faster than a jet.
- Double tap of WSAD to dodge should be remapped for default settings.
- Pressing C to skip dialogues and C to crouch is very irritating, so this should be switched to default too.
- IMPORTANT: RP WALK! We need a walking speed! We are way too speedy. RP walk toggle for the same speed when we are encumbered.
- A way to craft multiples of the same type in crafting and upgrading.
- Weapons Inventory UI is very bad, there is a better mockup here by the user @Pythonx7 which I have attached below to the forum post. Also fix the bugs which refresh the page on disassembly of guns.
These are the prime concerns and suggestions at the top of my head. Again, these are all features which should be added in my opinion, and from the general observable majority of the players. But If Night City is going to be the City of Next Gen Gaming, then these are fair suggestions imo.
PS: I tried my best trying to edit and beautify the post. Sorry if I did a bad job with it, first post. Tell me what I can edit and improve and I WILL do ASAP!.