Swaggy gets all the love... What about Punky?

Pretty sure you'd need to have something in the first place to lose it.

But really, nah, that was some primo threatening. If I was the type to get threatened, I'd watch out for you.
I nominate Redge.

He's pretty sacrificeable.
I second that nomination! It would be pretty awesome if Redge is "banned" from the forums and his status says, "sacrificed".
...you muphukkas are done. DONE. You'd better HOPE I can't circumvent your safehouse security.

And yes, that includes the secure coffin at the coffin hotel by the docks. Like I don't know about that one. Sukka, please.
Dude, way to be uncool, you're suppose to take one for the team. Alright, fine, I guess I'll do it. I nominate to be sacrificed, ban me and change my status from "booster" to "sacrificed". But of course, this means I won't make a second account to circumvent the sacrifice..because I'm cool like that.

Just to be clear, this is so we get some news and info about CP77, however "insignificant".
Dude, way to be uncool, you're suppose to take one for the team. Alright, fine, I guess I'll do it. I nominate to be sacrificed, ban me and change my status from "booster" to "sacrificed". But of course, this means I won't make a second account to circumvent the sacrifice..because I'm cool like that.

Just to be clear, this is so we get some news and info about CP77, however "insignificant".

Naw, it wouldn't work with you. Sacrifice implies the loss of something you value. Nothing personal, of course, but it's redge or nothing.
Pardon me if I'm presumptuous, but people seldom know what's good for them till it's gone.

But I have a feeling that all this dancing around the issue really just means that you don't know of a way to change our titles to something else. And you know, I think we can take Redge in kicking and screaming, that'll up the potency of the sacrifice ten fold.

@ Redge: gird your loins.
But I have a feeling that all this dancing around the issue really just means that you don't know of a way to change our titles to something else.

Of course I do. It's just that... errh. oh yeah... it would be an abuse of power. That's it. An abuse of my moderator power. Of course I know how to do it.
Like Redge has loins.

Everyone is the type to be threatened. Except Swaggy, cause he DAID.

Oh, look, I put something back ON topic!

If you could change titles, for chrissakes change Pondsmith's to something OTHER than "poser". It bugs hell out of me. Of all the people to be a "poser" here...
Of course I do. It's just that... errh. oh yeah... it would be an abuse of power. That's it. An abuse of my moderator power. Of course I know how to do it.

Goddammit, we can never have any fun.

(your secret is safe with me, underpowered dragon).

And yeah, pretty sure Sard is the poser.

Oh, and allegedly daid.
I think that the statuses should start off indicating something intelligent, and gradually deteriorate the more posts you make. "Poser" should be the 1000+ post status.
Easy. You start as a nobody, then you enter the gangs, gets cybered up, go psycho then finally you get recruited into Max-Tac!

That makes sense.. But there is a great change you will never make it into Max-Tac.. And we will keep killing people until we do? Thats just sad.. Oh well.. People, let me show you my new arm blades:

Same model and make as hers but bigger.. :D
I want to know what tourist does?

Hmm that is really interesting.. Wondering if those rangs on forum gonna have any reflection in the game...
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