Sweers bug when replaced in mulligan

I am playing on PC. A few days ago I was playing a game where I mulligan-ed Sweers at the start of the game, and when I redrew him, his damage was stuck at 1. Even after revealing while he was in my hand, his damage was still 1 (and dealt 1 damage when I played him, so it is not only a visual bug). I am not sure if it has been fixed with the patch for artifacts. It appears that other people have seen this too - https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/9tozt8 .
Platform: PC.
Thank you,
That‘s how decoy always has worked. I doubt it‘s a bug, but perhaps the wording of the description needs to be clearer, hard to say

Decoy does not explicitly state that a card's ability, like the one Sweers has, will be reset after it is put back in the deck. I believe, based on the one instance that I've used the combo, that the counter stops working after Sweers has been put back in the deck.

The wording of Decoy's description is clearly an issue as well.
Hi, I know this is probably just a minor bug but it's still really annoying when it costs you the game.
So I played with my usual reveal strategy deck and of course Sweers was in it. It was a really intense ranked game against the Woodland Spirit Player with gigantic creatures. The last round: we were neck on neck and I played Sweers after of Course having revealed Cards all throughout the game. But instead of doing 20 or so Damage it only does 1 which costs me the game by only 1 Point difference (even the Opponent was kinda befuddled and looked at the Card over and over).
So yeah, it was only a little bit annoying after such an intense game but I just worry that it will happen again.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I mulliganed him away. And it actually happened again a few days ago (before the most recent big patch).
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