Sweet Fx vs performance??

Sweet Fx vs performance??

I noticed that a lot of people are using sweet fx to enhance the look of the game. I am playing on pc atm. I would like to know how much does it affect performance? I m running around stable 30 FPS atm.... so I dont want to risk losing fps for looks.
Thank you! :)
SweetFX is all post-processing, so unless the preset you're using enables something particularly taxing like SMAA, there's barely any performance impact.
Im interested in this too, however as for myself, as a long time PC player, I just can't accept anything below 50/60 fps. So atm Im playing on my costum Ultra/Medium/Low mixed settings and while the game still looks absolutely gorgeous Im interested in Sweet FX. How much fps does it cost?
When thinking it though, its makes sense to think that it comes with a performance hit.. im my experience that isn't the case, and even makes it smoother in games.

The enbseries stuff however, that destroys the best of cards.

Advertisment: If you want a preset to make your w3 look like modded skyim instead of world of warcraft, check out mine :p
That's not mine, its the one i modified to make mine :))

Though it was even better at 1.2, never saw it.. hes up to 1.4 now and its just getting worse... think cooking. :(
There is no performance hit with SweetFX except for SMAA. Most of the presets just do some color correction, contrast fixes and sharpening so you shouldn't worry though if you see reduced performance then try disabling SMAA by editing the preset.
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