[TECHNICAL UPDATE] Characters appear dark on PCs using AMD Radeon RX GPUs.

I have the issue each time the update of the game and the update of the driver come "together".

There's a thread here :

In général we have to back up the last version of the driver. This time there was a fix a day after the update of the game. It worked for me.

thank for the news !
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y'all should post this on reddit cause I had this problem a week ago and no one there had a clue about how to help me.
cause its a lot easier to use than these forums.
Maybe, but if you would have asked here, I'm sure someone would have answered you (even before the official post from the support). It was a "well" known issue with AMD RX400/500 GPUs ;)
yeah delete it, HDR is just retransition from RGB in the BAD way, if someone is using HDR, remember! In this game NO REAL HDR!
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