Thank you CDRED for Blizzard Potion

Thank you CDRED for Blizzard Potion

This card is so awesome in a weather deck, holy moly. No longer can people feel safe when playing weather immune cards (which almost all do now), just throw a potion on the 30+ buffed immune unit your opponent has on the board and you can be pretty sure he will pass on next turn. Thank you devs for this unit and for buffing monsters in general, I've increased my ranking by two today solely with my Dagon Deck, I feel loved again :D

But it has one issue. I'm not sure but I think it was partly designed to compensate for the fact that Clear Skies now only affects one row.

Now if you run bliz potion as a non-weather deck its a dead card against non-weather decks. Pretty much what clear skies was before it was changed to FL.
You could say you can just use weather in a non-weather deck and use bliz potion to make your units immune to weather but that would require 2 things.
1: You get the right weather cards when playing against specific opponents; playing with weather in a non-weather designed faction like NG,NR or ST means that you have less synergies with weather overall and have to rely that you get the right rows and units at the right times.
2: When you get weather cards you get your bliz potions as well. If one of the 2 things is missing the other one will pretty much be a dead card. I know there are plenty cards out there that only work when played together but overall I don't think its worth to go for that if all those non-weather factions offer better options that dont rely too much on right card draw.

That leads to the question why you should run bliz potion with non-weather decks in the first place. Out of all factions only 1 1/2 are really designed to work with weather, you can throw in an aeromancy here and there but overall 3 of 5 factions dont have many synergies with weather. So most of the times it will be a dead card and if you cant redraw it you basically waste 1 turn with it.
Maybe it would help if bliz potion was similar to FL, offering a second option that would work against non-weather decks but isnt too strong overall (perhaps merging bliz potion with quen could fix the issue since quen doesnt offer too much to make bliz+quen too op as a bronze card).
The thing that bothers me about this card is that it is a potion and it has no special effect on witchers... That is odd lore-wise as well as inconsistent with game mechanics up to recent patch (well, sample of 2 potions which were available is not quite representative, but still). Maybe it could also add some strenght (let's say 4) to when target is a witcher, or provide him with quen, it boost reflexes after all.
Dejma93;n7706930 said:
The thing that bothers me about this card is that it is a potion and it has no special effect on witchers... That is odd lore-wise as well as inconsistent with game mechanics up to recent patch (well, sample of 2 potions which were available is not quite representative, but still). Maybe it could also add some strenght (let's say 4) to when target is a witcher, or provide him with quen, it boost reflexes after all.
I honestly completely forgot about this but yeah your right, it should have an additional effect that works on Witchers
Strollin;n7706560 said:
Maybe it would help if bliz potion was similar to FL, offering a second option that would work against non-weather decks but isnt too strong overall (perhaps merging bliz potion with quen could fix the issue since quen doesnt offer too much to make bliz+quen too op as a bronze card).
I think right now the high frequency of Weather decks being played makes it very viable in any deck. If you don't play weather you can use it to immunize a unit of your own - but you can also use it to spoil the fun for the guy playing the Weather deck, seeing his 15 Ancient Foglet carefully leveled under fog turning to 1. That actually happend to me when I realized that it goes both ways, because it "toggles" weather immune, it's not just making units weather immune as I first supposed when reading the description.

And if you are absolutely certain that no weather shenanigans will be going on in the match you have perfect redraw targets ;)

I agree though that it has nothing todo with the Blizzard Potion ingame, which slows time. But honestly I don't care :D
milosh69;n7709170 said:
I think right now the high frequency of Weather decks being played makes it very viable in any deck. If you don't play weather you can use it to immunize a unit of your own - but you can also use it to spoil the fun for the guy playing the Weather deck, seeing his 15 Ancient Foglet carefully leveled under fog turning to 1. That actually happend to me when I realized that it goes both ways, because it "toggles" weather immune, it's not just making units weather immune as I first supposed when reading the description.

But the fact still remains that its useless against non-weather. Besides if it was so easy to redraw it there wouldnt have been a change to clear skies in the first place.
Whether weather decks will become popular enough to make bliz potions worth it or not is an assumption that time will confirm or not I guess ;)
Strollin;n7713920 said:
But the fact still remains that its useless against non-weather.
Well I started the first post with this sentence:
This card is so awesome in a weather deck
So I don't see why you try to argue that it has no value outside of weather. I agree with that, but it's still awesome when playing with weather, no matter on which side of the board you are ;)
milosh69;n7713980 said:
So I don't see why you try to argue that it has no value outside of weather. I agree with that, but it's still awesome when playing with weather, no matter on which side of the board you are
Strollin;n7706560 said:
I'm not sure but I think it was partly designed to compensate for the fact that Clear Skies now only affects one row.
Actually it is just logical that its also designed to counter weather. FL now only removes 1 row whereas weather cards can spawn 2 or even 3 rows, not to mention that they have units that spawn weather as well. It simply HAS TO be useful for non-weather decks as well, which like I explained doesnt work quite well.
What if Blizzard potion added 6 strength to a unit (8-9 to witchers) if the unit has two copies, it adds 3 strength, and if there are more it adds 2, this way it's better than thunderbolt potion for buffing a single unit, and worse than swallow, if there are 2 is a bit worse than thunderbolt and if there are more, let's say 3, it still buffs 6 strength, plus the weather resistance toggle. (The buff is not applied to enemy units or is converted to a debuff). This way it's a 6 strength bronze card, and it's not completely useless if you don't encounter weather, having 1 or even 2 might become an interesting choice for many decks, snce there are less drawbacks; it could maybe also add the buff and the weather resistance to all copies of a card in hand and deck, like quen (but only on friendly units).
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