Thanks for NG+

Thanks for NG+

It has inspired me to push on to the end to start from the beginning, only with my 'stuff'!!!

Wonderful game, and I have been a wanderer, intentionally taking my time, avoiding the Main Quests as they really push XP at you. I think I have 160 hours in, am level 29, and have just gone to the Isles of Mist yesterday. (this isn't a challenge for your stats or blowback; just stating where I am).

Now I can finish and start again, but with the gear and signs I have come to love; playing Gwent again, choosing different quests, where applicable, and all against scaled-up NPC's.

This will be awesome!!! (after a mini-patch or two it seems).

Again, great work CDPR. I bought Witcher 1 just to support you yesterday. May do the same for Witcher 2. I would be surprised if I played them as I have a really hard time going back in graphic quality but, more importantly, backwards in controls and game fixes in general that developers learn iteratively, and incorporate over time..

Thanks again,

Sgt. Thundercok

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