The dark future - suggestions for future content

CP77 captures an amazing cyberpunk ambience in its settings and characters as far as I view it.
There are some aspects that came to mind that I'd like to propose to future sequels and leave the thread open for your suggestions.
My intention is that it focuses on world/society building, not gameplay; in other words, I'd like us to focus on Mike Pondsmith's cyberpunk lore to project different societal factors present in 77 and beyond.

My first suggestions, maybe these examples will make my intentions for this thread clearer:

. Cyberwear movement quality on different situations.
We can see enhanced strength and speed on enemies and side characters but pole dancers have the same moves as our contemporary non-chromed dancers. It would be wicked if some would come up with completely new moves available only to "cyborgs".
We could find some adds for chrome-on-chrome sex, if we think about it maybe sex between a chromed and non-chromed person could even be fatal for the latter.
Maybe a superfast garbage collector guy/gall.

. More open sexuality
My gay V tried it with River only to see him very bro-awkward. At first this seemed very realistic until I realized it was realistic for today. Not for this dystopian future. River should have turned down V on this story but new emotions for this setting would be more in order.
In that sense also the notion of boyfriend/girlfriend could be better fleshed out. Love that they call them outputs (truly individualist/narcissistic term) but then relationships seem to happen similarly to our day 'n age ones.
Male sexual objectification should be as intense as women's.

. Bigger disparity of intelects
This is a really crazy setting and has been for generations. The dialogues between people from different backgrounds should reflect not only different situations but completely separate vocabulary and hints at separate ways of thinking. So maybe a "street kid" character should have a very small attention span from all the screamsheets, those that go into medias is because they developed tools of critical thinking and research; corpos are highly disciplined and have specialized knowledge and no realworld/outside of corporation ability. Nomads could be the ones that speak more similarly to us.

Sound mayhem
I loved how sound worked on the first patches in terms of television/radio/adds. Partly because I play on ps4 and these sound sources now activate only when close to them so the amount of sources at the same time used to be bigger. But crazy adds as first Orgiatic and their volume resulted in a much more "alien" world, one truly contaminated by excess.
I know some people prefer it this way and I know humans are beasts of habit and so many new elements could result on it being hard for some people to get into the universe as it wouldn't seem real enough. For me it's the opposite, it shows me these aspects were considered and it results on a more immersive and all around cohesive world. Just different from ours.

Do you have any similar observations about how people act/structure society in the Dark Future?
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