The Forlorn Hope: Cyberpunk Off-Topic


New Obsidian RPG announced at The Game Awards. Well, assuming its an RPG. Its called "The Outer Worlds."

EDIT: Screen glitched for a moment and I thought CDPR might have been lying to us. Turns out it was just another character reveal for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
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Well, this is a bit inaccurate now, but I wonder how CDPR feels about their placement in this chart?

Valve and Blizzard have both also taken massive reputation hits since that image was made.

I was just quoting Jim Sterling, I recognize that a lot of those companies have changed for the worse.

I still think Valve is a good one, though. And Bethesda, too, believe it or not (if they screw up their singleplayer games I'll change my tune).

I would also add that Rockstar sucks now. Their singleplayer stuff is fine. Multiplayer is a steaming pile of flaming poop.
I found out in a late-night email that I won't be required to testify on Monday.

Apparently, the correct answer to "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" is not "I would be legally required to kill everyone in this room if I did, so no." Even less is it my boss offering me extra magazines for my pistol immediately after.

And people tell me acting like an unhinged psychopath devoted to WH40K's gods of chaos has no benefits...
This would be completely off-topic in the other thread. :cool:

Counterpoint, tiddlywinks.
I had no idea what you meant until I googled "tiddlywinks". :D

It has a VERY different name here (literal translation would be 'flea game'), but I have actually played it.
Last time was... 15 years ago or so, and I was never particularly good at the game. It was a lot of fun, though. :p

PS. Pass the Pigs is a lot more awesome game. I can never get tired of that one!
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Well, this is a bit inaccurate now, but I wonder how CDPR feels about their placement in this chart?

Lol, Ubisoft chaotic neutral really? I call Ubisoft as Cool Kid. They are just so cool. BGS is Bug Master. Valve is Minigun. Blizzard is Silence One. Sadly Ive nothing to say about CD Red Project, they have been very neutral so far and cautious regarding journalism at least, yeah, they havent pulled the trigger yet what so many other companies have done, for better or worse, you decide. I would start building Journalism Reputation if I was them, maybe then when they start to build own IPs. Yeah, they are like some Lame-Copy-Cat atm.
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Didn't know Rowley left CP77. I wonder if it means that if his area of development is complete or they're changing CP77's systems from what was being developed up until now... CDPR hired a new designer after all.
I doubt this will get published anywhere, so I can leak it here as long as I'm not too specific...

Basically? CP2077 is apparently one of the better possible outcomes of the modern era.

So, uh, yay. Good job humanity. Real good job.

I need to go weep for that tiny spark of hope for humanity I didn't know I had.
I doubt this will get published anywhere, so I can leak it here as long as I'm not too specific...

Basically? CP2077 is apparently one of the better possible outcomes of the modern era.

So, uh, yay. Good job humanity. Real good job.

I need to go weep for that tiny spark of hope for humanity I didn't know I had.

I can definitely sympathize with this, but I'll also add that we overthrew the Egyptian Empire, burned the Library of Alexandria, let the Pax Romana disintegrate into corruption, impoverished nations by abusing the banking systems created during the Renaissance in Europe, wiped out indigenous cultures by the thousands in pursuit of profit, carpet bombed the vast majority of the old world into rubble during WWII, heinously polluted the planet's atmosphere...then discovered gravitational waves and the truth of space-time.

The future not working out the way we envsion is often disturbing, but time has this funny way of just rolling along, regardless. I think it's disappointing that humanity continues to make the same mistakes over and over again, but truly, we've got this knack for rolling with it.
On reddit there is "Countdown to the Dark Future" by J. Gray from R. Talsorian.
Can we have it on here too?
Like a closed topic where only the mods can post. Easy to read and without us posting comments.
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