The Game's Length


Should CD Projekt RED revise the ending and consider reworking the story into something bigger?

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Before we get into my rant, I'd be forever indebted if someone could give me a lil' pointer to someone from the CDPR team that'd potentially be open to a conversation.
Thank you very much!

Hi! How are ya'? :)
Ok, now siddown and shut up.
(I'll try my best to keep this thing spoiler-free)

Let me just start by saying that the game is too damn short. (Blah blah - Beating a dead horse - Blah Blah - Already talked about - Blah Blah - It's not that short)
Shut the fuck up. I'll stop beating it when it rises from the dead and ascends to godhood.
(Skip or read to the end if you'd like to know what I think could/should be done with/after the ending)

Let's start with the whole Relic situation - "Hey V, ya got couple o' weeks to live, have fun lol"

Okay, cool, time's of the essence so we should put the side quests aside for the time being, right?
WRONG! If ya' don't do like 95% of the side quests (and do 'em right, mind you) you're not getting the alternative endings!

Cool, cool, so if I do the side characters' story archs it'll affect the main story, right? Like, let them tag along from time to time, have them call you to hang, help them with some more side gigs, unlock alternative routes/methods of doing some of the quests and maybe let them help you at the end using their special powers n' shit?
WRONG! You can bang 'em tho'!

Oookay... What about the cyberpsychos? Incapacitating all of them could make 'em fight for me as a private army when it comes to it, or something along those lines, right?
WRONG! You won't have that sidequest as "incomplete" in your journal tho'!

Beat on the brat?
Bragging rights and some EDs!

Spending EDs on different cars?
No effect on the gameplay whatsoever!

Playing the game as a true pacifist?
Bragging rights!

Playing the game as a full on killing machine?
Questionable bragging rights!

But i have to do most of the sidequests?

And gain virtually nothing from it (except the potential risk of completely turning into John-knee)?
You won't turn into Johnny!

But I thought I was dyi-

Viktor said-

(ya wanna die and be johnny, tho'?)

OK! :)

Right! The game's fuckin' short!

What should essentially be a Prologue/Act 1 of something much, MUCH bigger is the entirety of the game's story, whoop-de-do.
While I agree that so far the main story is well written, it's length and it's feel makes me think that it should be what the Jackie portion is to the game right now, a mere introduction to Night City, a taste of what's to come, a tip of a much girthier, thicker, longer schmeat of an epic fuckin' storyline.
What we got was an unenthusiastic 1st (and seemingly only) season of a potential cult classic TV show (with a chance for some budget spin-offs in the form of DLCs).
It leaves you begging for more, while the producers already wrapped their shit and went on to record another cookie-cutter, pointless, low budget Big Bang Theory knockoff...
We all know that CDPR is king when it comes to optional content, more often than not being better than the main story itself (2077 being no different)
It does, without a question, add an absolute metric shit-ton of gameplay, but when the side stuff has roughly 2-3 times the play time of the main story, while at the same time you're constantly being reminded that you're "dying" and should hurry the fuck up and then being punished for not doing all of the side stuff? Yeah, that's fun.

Let's leave the content ratio alone for now, tho', let's talk about the ending that feels like a beginning. Some of all y'all haven't finished the game, which is understandable, so I'll try to speak very vaguely about, well, everything.

Why end it there?
Why not only get some of what you're after? Kill Smasher, get John-knee out of your skull-sponge, maybe put him in a new body (that'd be cool, don't fuckin' lie that you wouldn't wanna see that) and leave them (Arasaka) alone for the time being?

Why not make Alt a bigger part of the story?
She'd be an invaluable ally, both against the NetWatch and the Voodoo Boys.

What about literally everyone else?
What about the Voodoo Boys? NetWatch? Animals? Aldecaldos? Militech? The Shivs? The Clouds? Lizzy's? Afterlife?

(I'm not gonna go into detail because I've seen too many situations where somebody threw out an idea, it didn't stick, someone else came along, copy-pasted it and got credit for it).


But for fuckin' real CDPR, yeah, I'm talking to you directly! (i'd address a specific person if i knew who and that they'd actually hear me out, if all y'all got an idea who I could contact that'd give me even a sliver of a chance for a response and actual consideration and/or a conversation, I'd be indebted), if you need ideas, HMU! Hit up the whole fuckin' community! I bet my left hand and right eye (Seriously tho, don't need 'em) that you'd find an absolute shit ton of actually half decent ideas! (Most of 'em probably contradicting, or written by 8yr olds in crayon tho').

Actually for real tho', CD Projekt RED. Need ideas? Stories? Character archs? All of them cohesive, and most importantly, fitting the universe?
Written in either English or Polish? Or both?
HMU, we could rival Mr Martin in the epicness and Miyazaki-San (the Souls series one, ofc) in convolutedness of this thing.
This thing ain't fuckin' dead yet, and you still have a good chance to make it fuckin' immortal, so why not grab that chance by the 'nads?
Why let this whole situation slip through your fingers and pull you down the drain with it?
Wake the fuck up, Dev Team, we've got a legacy to make. But not tomorrow, not when more people start refunding the game or the clueless "journalists" scramble to tear it a new one.
Please wake the fuck up.
(Plus I spent my own money on it and am no longer eligible for a refund. Not that i would, i love the game and the Devs, but y'know)
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