The General Videogame Thread


I still get flashbacks and all antsy whenever I unlock and go through new doors thanks to that Fallout 3 game ending glitch.

Dagnabbit. I was having such a blast with that game too...
Sure, it would be easier with Reapers' help, but even in high-EMS destroy you can see Samara back on Thessia (18:48 in your video) and Wrex and Grunt returning to Tuchanka (18:58).
Yep, but honestly, as long as they don't send us to a "distant" galaxy with "weird" enemies, I am ready to close my eyes to everything (or almost) :)
Like I don't know,
- The Leviathans who have wait thousands/millions cycles the end of the Reapers and are finally back to take their "legitimate" place, for them at least (on top and dominating all "inferior" species).
- There I'm certainly wrong, memories..., but Harbinger who is stay in the dark space with thousands of Reapers, has not been affected by EMS... Now, they are free of any forms of control and can be more dangerous than ever.

And the only ones who know this "enemies" and who are always alive are Wrex and Liara :)

Does anyone here play Fallout 4?
I replayed it in Jully, by I didn't finish my playthrough. I got bored, unfortunately :(
(In my opinion, to replay it after Cyberpunk, it seems very "bland" for me. But it will stay on my SSD anyway).
Smartest decision ever. Valid for every game.

Regarding the awesomeness of that gameplay, you need to love the games they made or surely it can't be impressive. From doesn't make games for everyone. Luckily, so we have some variety.
At the end, I'll buy it for sure. But the "real question" is when :)
(day one = full price / later = low price).
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Oh, there's still explosion, they're just no longer blown to smithereens like they were in the original ending. All of the EC ending slideshows confirm that they're gonna be repaired. Well, except for low-EMS destroy, but they're already decided that it won't be canon (Liara wouldn't be alive in this scenario).
I don't think repairing the relays will be the difficult part of the story. The Asari had access to the Prothean codex for thousands of years, and the Protheans had already figured out the relay technology. They just didn't have time to build anything other than the small one on the Citadel. The Salarians are such natural engineers that they might have been on the verge of acquiring the technology themselves.

So that part is pretty easy. I have less confidence in them not writing a disaster of a main story.
I can't be hyped for any mass effect or dragon age anymore after what happened in BioWare. I have zero trust in them. Of course, I'd love to see them back on track but the minds behind those IPs are not there anymore. Mass effect in particular was such a great series...
I can't be hyped for any mass effect or dragon age anymore after what happened in BioWare. I have zero trust in them. Of course, I'd love to see them back on track but the minds behind those IPs are not there anymore. Mass effect in particular was such a great series...
Sad but true. Andromeda was the last straw, or should I say the latest straw in a series of last straws :giveup:
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After ME3 and Andromeda I don't have much expectations for the new ME, but we'll see what they will come up with.
That's probably the best way to go about it. No expectations. I remember playing it in a weird order: M3 > M2 > M1 > Andromeda
And after playing M1, Andromeda was just an eye candy (except, well, when it wasn't :D ) combat and exploration was very exciting and it was less militaristic, which is a plus. Different and more cheerful. It's almost like a millennial pissed off the boomer and now we're just hoping for the gen z one to come and save the day, but we sort of know gen x are the most bad55, but we're way too late for that ;D (bad analogy, sorry not sorry)
Also, some see the Geth in that poster, so now I see it too. Might need to refresh my memory about that storyline..:think:
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Look like a Geth for sure (for me at least) :)
Two Geth: one dead, the other ..crater :think:
Welcome to the "I have no idea of what's going on, why the hell they didn't put a tutorial for basic stuff like crafting? How was I supposed to know the questline worked that way?" :LOL:
So far it does pretty okay job of introducing new gameplay mechanics via messages left on the walls and occasional NPC's.

Hubs generally seem to be constructed in a way similar to Lisa: The Painful RPG, so while the pathways may lead to different locations, you can tell whether you should go somewhere or not by how much trouble your current character has with regular enemies, so I don't feel lost.
EAware wants me 2 buy ME or DA post DA2/ME: Andromeda, it better have nudity at least :shrug:
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I've just read about this game. It looks decent, but I can't help but think that GRRM is doing everything except finishing his ASOIAF saga lmao
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My god, elden ring seems glorious, they've added so many mechanics and apparently even reintroduced Poise from DS1 that makes tank builds viable. On the other hand, it needs a lot of balancing because to date is way too easy with some weapons. Same for some enemies that may become too easy once you've upgraded your weapons too much.

But one thing more open world RPGs should adopt is the way from software rewards you after a challenge. Opposed to the lazy RNG looting, they give you a specific equipment or ability after you defeat a boss or find a secret area. That does effectively change your build and way you play. Fantastic.
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