The most complex mission in the game was from 2018 [Spoilers]

The mission is called The Pickup it was shown in the 48min trailer. It's where you need to get the Flathead for Dex, meet with Meredith Stout and then meet the Maelstrom
here is a flowchart of the events that can take place;


This is the most complex quest in the entire game and even after this it has absolutely no bearing on you the world or the story, the only thing that happens is that if you pick Meredith you get a quest later to meet her for sex thats it. My question is that this quest was shown in 2018, why couldn't the rest of the quests have the same complexity as it was pretty much advertised by CDPR. Why don't we see the Maelstrom at all after this mission or Militech?
I haven't played much after Act 1 so this is pretty disappointing to read.
I did enjoy that mission and that gang is pretty cool.
Late spoiler tag but that's okay.
The moment u received the chip, the tutorial clearly tells u that when u receive the quest with chip, u can hack it. and i assume we all have to try cos it;'s first time this appeared, and it's part of tutorial.
it's so silly to set that if we hacked with chip, we automatically miss one of the highlight...
since it was shown in the 48min trailer that we all saw i didn't think we needed a spoiler tag. but apologies if anything was ruined.
since it was shown in the 48min trailer that we all saw i didn't think we needed a spoiler tag. but apologies if anything was ruined.
It's okay but yeah mentioning that it's the most complex mission in the game for some of us who haven't gotten any further it's a spoiler to know that because we expect so much more.
It's like the old 90s shareware games where you get the first couple levels for free and have to buy the game to play the rest, but they tended to put most of the good stuff into those first free levels to make people buy the game.

...Except we don't even get that first mission as a free demo. Though that might've been a good thing as otherwise it would feel like even more of a disconnect with the rest of the game.
The quests in this game are terribly linear. A long time ago CDPR crowed that there would be "no cutscenes", and technically that's true. But there are tons of in game first person moments where the player has no control or agency of what's happening. They are essentially in-game cutscenes and are completely scripted.

The number of areas where your weapons are disabled is disappointing. If you want to shoot up the Afterlife or murder a fixer, why can't you? The repercussions should be severe, but an "open world" game should let you do it. I suspect they have crutches like this in the game because the entire thing is incredibly linear and they don't want you doing anything that will interfere with that and break their very rigid code.

This game in many ways plays like a rail shooter with very lax boundaries of where the "rails" are.
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