The 'Only Pain' side job: what's the point?

There's a side job in Vista Del Rey, called 'Only Pain'. Other people have reported bugs in this quest; I don't think I saw a bug, but I completely don't understand the point.

Two NCPD cruisers are parked in an alleyway. Three NCPD officers are beating up a corpo. There's no dialog. When you go right up to them, the officers immediately open fire on you. After you deal with them, the corpo is apparently passed out on the floor. You shake him awake and get three dialogue options:

* You can tell him it's his lucky day;
* You can shake him down for money;
* You can ask him to tell you whatever it was the police wanted him to tell them (but to get this option you need points in some stat that I didn't have).

None of the officers' bodies are lootable, so there's no clue to be had from them. I didn't find any clues around the scene. So -- what was this about? Does anyone know? Is there a point to this job at all (apart from saving a random corpo from a beating)?
You can actually get more information about the situation IF you're playing as a Street Kid. I won't spoil anything, but the Street Kid lifepath has extra dialogue options during this job.
I can't remember, but I think if you have enough "cool" skill, you also have more possibilities :)
If you have enough skill and maybe be a Street Kid, you can know the truth.
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