The original lie.

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In January 2013, CDPR posted the teaser for their new game, Cyberpunk 2077.

Immediatly, for people like me who played the original P&P Cyberpunk RPG, that was more than enough to keep us waiting and dreaming.
CDPR also stated that the game would be released when it is ready. That was the original lie.
Cyberpunk 2077 is released and it is obviously not ready.

1 - The Role Playing game
There is none.
The way you play V has no influence on the game or the story (except the relationship with Johnny for the hidden ending to be available). The lifepaths are useless, the stats and skills are only relevant to open doors or get some dialogue options, but nothing really important. The main story is straight forward and offer really few alternatives, not to mention the endings which are so lame and bring no closure but more a feeling of "WTF?".
A male or female V is not important besides who you can / can't romance. Romances are quite straightforward too, and not very rewarding (Triss ? Yenefer ? Remember them ?)
Crafting is below average, and in my opinion completely useless and out of range in such a cyberpunk setting. It's also broken.
The economics is flawed and getting money is tedious, even when you're a 50 street credibility streetkid with a bad attitude and some very big guns. Why are guns expensive and heavy and cloths cheap and light ?
There is also no need to find assorted clothes, since you never see your character (unless photographing) and the clothes are randomly distributed. I'm not even sure there are sets of clothes. No pimping V there to be found.
2 - The FPS
It's decent. Not much more.
In my opinion, it's not a true FPS, but rather some infiltration shooter hybrid. And it's good at neither, simply average.
This is neither Metalgear, nor Quake, but some curious offspring of the two.
3 - The Open World
Is not.
It's a painting. A very nice, very beautiful painting, but that's all. The urban setting is gorgeous, and it's populated and seems to abound with activities.
But no, it's just a painting. Nothing to interact with, no random quest or race spawning here and there, no gang war to fight... I played GTA Vice City and San Andreas and there was way more things in any of them than in CP2077.
Why no mission to steal cars, for instance ? Why no challenge ? Why only spots on the map to wipe, then well, start another game.
This is very lazy, CDPR, very very lazy.
Why are there cars, even ? Why collect them ? CDPR don't even propose a garage to pimp them or simply to admire them.
And what to say about the NCPD ? That's a joke. No car chase, no chase at all in fact. They spawn around V and shoot at V unless you manage to run away, out of sight for some time. Pathetic.
4 - The Story
That's the good point of the game, with the beauty of the graphics.
The narrative is excellent and the characters and voice acting are very good.
And the endings suck so hard they do not even motivate another playthrough.
And the influence of the player on those endings is so limited (null in fact).
And the main story is too short.
I read here and there that it was to please some critics who said that the Witcher 3 was too long. SCREW THEM FFS. 60 bucks for a 20 hours narrative is simply a scam.
5 - Gameplay
Well, not much to say there, the gameplay is slick and serves the narrative.
As a PC player, I regret that CDPR did not think about our keyboard and theirs 100+ keys and that key binding is not easy. Yeah, I'm looking at you, F Key. I had to edit some file to unbind that key and bind another. That is, once again, lazy from you, CDPR.

As a final word, I would say that Cyberpunk 2077 is a lie.
The game has been released when it's not ready (I don't even mention the scandalous release on consoles). It tries to reproduce or to copy from the best (GTA, The Elder Scrolls, Metalgear, ...) and fails more often than not. That was so promising, and the only promise kept is a vivid painting of Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk characters and background.
Would I say that the result is not worth the wait ? Absolutely.
I'm not even sure it's worth it's price tag, the replayability being close to none.
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Pretty much this. I am especially soured by the way dialogues handle important decisions in the story. It's not at all obvious which dialogue options lead to consistent and intended behaviour of V., which isn't improved by the fact that some of them need to be chosen under rather hefty time pressure. Making the player transport their intentions purely via dialogue is a rather difficult thing to accomplish. And sure, in real life our words sometimes achieve the opposite of our intentions. But this is supposed to be an RPG. It'd be nice to get a hint here and there which lines will help me to play the role I want to play instead of constantly giving me the finger when I guessed wrong.
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