The OST is very little "80s"?

While I've come to really like some of the Samurai songs, mostly because of their lyrics, they are not what I have in mind when I look at the game. You have this alternative rock/modern metal music and then someone like Kerry who looks really 80s in the flashback and really sleek in the present. The rest of the Cyberpunk world also does not look alternative/garage.

Most of the other songs on the radio I find simply atrocious.

Put simply, there is not one song where I think "Vitaly Chernobyl could make that music".
A western with no "real western" soundtracks > The Harder They Fall
The OST is amazing if you ask me... Does it fit to western ? Who care ! Not me for sure :giggle:
Edit :
And if we talk about Ghost In The Shell, a Cyberpunk masterpiece without doubt... The first song which come in mind to everyone (I assume) doesn't sound like to be "cyberpunkish", isn't it ?
Or how about this?

Would fit right in and nothing offensive even. :LOL:

It actually captures corporate dystopia element, where Us Cracks serves the same function in CP 2077 and perhaps something else too where I get "Gibsonian" vibes, and I'm not talking about the guitar manufacturer.

In general, perhaps it isn't very fruitful to discuss about "the vibe" without dissecting it a bit. What is cyberpunk vibe? While counter culture element via punk rock was influence to authors (and John Shirley's whose City Come a-Walkin' which influenced William Gibson was actual punk, fronting SadoNation) for what I recall there was this element of dystopia where human expression would be replaced by a computer / corporation driven consumerism. Ad from the Demolition Man presents similar idea, music isn't there as form of expression but to sell something, it can be speculated that if in that cyberpunk universe they have they have eliminated music as a form of expression, listening to old adverts is all that there is.

So for someone like me, I get cyberpunk vibe via in game radio stations as they present elements that are part of genre.

Someone else, may look for different things, that might be nostalgy for past, there's 80's mentioned, but also past not experienced, we all make different kind of associations, fun fact being that synthwave in context of topic, I think specifically the New Retro Wave scene has always had it's discourses, some looking to the past, yet some looking forward. Haha. Anyway, so thinking something from the past, drawings, paintings, whatever can further drive those associations.

There's that looking for after certain things, it may be possible to miss something important. The Night City citizens, different gangs have their favorite channels, Maelstrom even they favored band and different classes doing their things in city, radio stations are for them as much as for us players.

I think I can get looking for some particular feeling, moment driving in the rain listening to Vangelis soundtrack and there's Spotify for that but for the most of us, I think listening to that kind of sound, it only wouldn't be dull but also considering that this is a vast city with millions of people, intellectually infantilizing and I'm glad that they didn't went that route with game.
Yeah, I dont think cyberpunk genre should be associated with 80s style. The main theme should be the same - dark future with massive gap between rich and poor, high tech, crime, neons etc. Our view how we see CP music should also evolve and not associated it with only synthwave. Metal, rap, hip hop, pop wil remain in the future and I think CP 2077 captured this perfectly. Just a quick reminder, that Final Fantasy 7 is considered cyberpunk and its OST has almost nothing of synthwave.
despite the game being set in a retrofuturistic world based on the 1980s
I honestly idea. :D

But it could('ve) be(en) what futuristic you deem to be whenever you set futuristic, no?
Love the music in-game. But already can see it aging...nicely. It'll be not-so-futuristic soon enough, if not already.
Very happy its not 'classic' 80's. (And classic here means: the done and gone)
The music in this game is totally my thing.
Also, I recall a thread from long ago where the complaint was there was no/too little typical tron-esk synthwave. I'm also very grateful CDPR didn't go that route.
Instead, they did their own thing, and exactly right for me.
Maybe im wrong here but i don't consider anything on the Radio's part of the OST, i think there probably 1 or 2 songs i think are no bad on the radio but the majority ain't for me hence it stays of and i either got spotify on with my playlist or more likely just the game sounds and what i consider the actual OST, IE the themes.
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