The Politics of The Witcher 2. Part 5: Radovid vs Philippa, the Clash of Titans

I'm bumping the thread because it's never too late to read and compliment on an excellent piece. :)/> Very insightful and revealing, especially the part about Philosopher Queen / Leviathan visions.

In addition, you made me realise there's another discrepancy in Geralt's final conversation with Saskia between Polish and English version (apart from the 'I underline guest'/'maybe you'd like to live here' and 'fascinating dwarves'/'I could use a man' that is). In Polish, it's actually like what Jobbert mentioned.
Jobbert said:
Just one question: where did you get the information that Saskia knows that Phillipa is worried about her aging? I remember that in the conversation with Saskia after you've lifted the spell, she says that she knows a secret about Phillipa. But I can't remember Saskia saying what that secret is.
Polish Saskia says she was under the influence and obedient, but she wasn't blind. She vaguely tells Geralt about a secret that is Philippa's weak spot, but doesn't mention anything specific. Geralt comments 'It's a dangerous knowledge' and Saskia closes the topic replying 'That's why I'm going to keep it to myself'.

So it looks like the whole scene was written without any relation between the language versions. I think I prefer the possibility of loose speculation here.

And another thing that got me wondering is how you say the dragon attack is uncharacteristic of Philippa. Because I actually always assumed it is Sile, not Philippa, who gives the order at this moment. Maybe I'm wrong or overlooking something (or both), but I always understood that while certainly Eilhart is the dragon mistress all along, it is Sheala who has direct control to operate Saskia in Loc Muinne. I imagine it was like Philippa gave Saesenthessis a major order to obey Sile and do anything she says for the time being, and the execution and particular actions were up to de Tancarville.

So perhaps it's better understandable if it's Sheala who wanted to burn the whole place down - she was taken by surprise to say the least, didn't have much time to think and react, in addition to being relatively narrow-minded in her methods as you pointed out ?
The thing about the "dangerous secret" Saskia supposedly has is also present in the English version. But I don't know if the aging thing is. Weird.

And yes I also think it very possible that Sile was the one who gave the order. I think the megascope shows that Sile was the one telling Saskia what to do, so it is possible that Philippa told Saskia to obey Sile in everything.

It does sound like something Sile would do.

EDIT: and thank you ^^
it anyone read Times of Contempt - Baptism of Fire -
Tower of the Swallow and Lady of the Lake yes ? i read it mention

about philippa eilhart and the lodge in very detail I see many post it very unclear about her intention or even her innocent or guilty some believe she was behind murder of king vizimir assassinate and I can tell you this she don even know that vizimir has been murder I read a time of Contempt

and (the other books ) is Prove that on Tretogor vizimir has been kill by elf assassin in the same time she was on Thanedd Island she still carry out hes last order a goal to eliminate a traitors bribed by Nilfgaard around a Northern Kingdom

between a two coups of mage let by Philippa the other hand was Vilgefortz of Roggeveen who has been too ambition he destroy old order and behind this conflict along side with Francesca Findabair and most important Emhyr of Nilfgaard

here i got some part of Time Of Contempt Chapter Four( If you went to read a quick way theme read Thanedd incident part 1-4)

‘Fine then.’ Dethmold said. ‘Because we do not have time. Come, Keira, up there things get more complicated...’

‘Beware those who are angry.’ The Redanian spy muttered, looking after those departing. ‘A lack of skill, nothing else. A coup like all coups are like gazpacho. It should be eaten cold. Come on, Geralt. And remember, peacefully, with dignity, without any fuss. Do not make me regret not tying you in chains.’

‘What is going on, Dijkstra?’

‘Have you not guessed?’ The spy walked beside him, three soldier hang behind them. ‘Tell me honestly, witcher, how did it happen that you came to be here?’

‘I was afraid the nasturtium where drying up.’

‘Geralt,’ Dijkstra gave him an evil look. ‘You are up to your neck in shit. And you are just keeping your mouth above the surface, but your legs do not reach the bottom. Someone is giving you a helping hand, risking that they might also fall in and drown. Then stop these stupid
jokes. It was Yennefer who told you to come here, right?’

‘No, Yennefer is still asleep in bed. Has this reassured you?’
The huge spy turned sharply, seized the witcher by the shoulders and pinned him to the wall of the corridor.

‘No, it has not reassured me, fucking idiot,’ he yelled. ‘Do you not understand, clown, that sorcerers honest and loyal to the kings do not sleep tonight? Have not even gotten into bed? Those who are sleeping in their beds are traitors bribed by Nilfgaard. Traitors who themselves have been preparing a coup, but for later. They did not know that there plans had been discovered we were warned of their intentions. And right now they are being pulled from their warm beds and being given a knuckle duster to the nose and their wrists are being put in dimeritium shackles. The traitors are finished, understand? If you do not want to go down with them, stop pretending idiot! Where you recruited by Vilgefortz last night? Or were you recruited before by Yennefer? Speak? Hurry, because the shit has already started to reach your mouth!’

‘Cold gazpacho, Dijkstra.’ Geralt reminded him. ‘Lead me to Philippa. Calmly, with dignity and no fuss.’

The spy let him go and took a step back.
Come on,’ he said coldly. ‘Up these stairs. But this conversation is finished. I promise you that.’
now a coups is about to begin well it a long story hope it not bore
all of you Thanedd incident part 1

Where the four corridors joined beneath a column that supported the roof, was illuminated with a clarity that came from lanterns and magic globes. Soldiers and sorcerers gathered here. Among the latter were members of the Council: Radcliffe and Sabrina Glevissig. Sabrina, like Keira Metz, was also wearing gray men’s clothing. Geralt realised that the coup was taking place before his eyes and could recognise the different factions by their uniforms.

Kneeling on the floor was Triss Merigold, bent over a body lying in a pool of blood. Geralt recognised Lydia van Bredevoort. He recognised her by her hair and silk dress.
The face he would never have recognised, because it was no longer a face. It was a hideous, gruesome death’s mask, with bared teeth gleaming through half of her check and the lower jaw was deformed, sunken, and badly swollen.

‘Cover her.’ Sabrina Glevissig said dully. ‘When she died the illusion dispelled... Damn it, cover her with something.
‘What has happened, Radcliffe?’ Triss asked, removing the hand from the hilt of the dagger stuck below Lydia’s breastbone. ‘How could this happen? It was to be done without deaths!’

‘They attacked us.’ The sorcerer muttered, bowing his head. ‘When they took Vilgefortz they fell on us. There was an uproar... I myself do not know how... It is her own dagger.’

‘Cover her face!’ Sabrina turned sharply. Geralt saw her eyes gleam like charcoal.
‘How did he get here?’

Triss jumped up quickly, and threw herself on the witcher. Geralt saw her face before her hand. Then he saw a flash and went down softly into darkness. He felt hands on his neck and a violent jolt.
‘Hold him, because he’ll fall.’ Triss’s voice was unnatural,

it sounded like she was feigning anger. She tugged at him again, so for the moment he found himself next to her.
‘Forgive me,’ he heard her quickly whisper. ‘I had to.’
Dijkstra’s men held him down.

He shook his head. He moved to his other senses. In the corridor there was movement, the air rippled, carried smells. And voices. Sabrina Glevissig cursing, trying to calm Triss. The soldiers, smelling like barracks dragged along the ground a dead body, the silk dress whispering. Blood. The smell of blood. And the smell of ozone. The scent of magic. Raised voices. Steps, the nervous tapping of heels.
‘Hurry! This has been going on too long! We should already be in Garstang!


Philippa Eilhart. Nervous.

‘Sabrina, Marti Sodergren is faster. If necessary, get her out of bed. Something is wrong with Hen Gedymdeith. I think it’s a heart attack. Have Marti address it. But do not tell her anything about what is going on. Triss, you have to locate and then take Dorregaray, Carduin and Drithelm to Garstang.’

‘They represent the kings. Let Ethain and Esterad be informed of our action and it consequences. It will bring... Triss, you have blood on your hands! Who?’


‘Damn. When? How?’

‘Does it matter how?’ said a cold, calm voice. Tissaia de Vries. Her dress rustled. Tissaia was dressed in an evening gown, not a rebel uniform. Geralt listened but could not hear the clink of dimeritium chains.

‘You pretend to be affected?’ Continued Tissaia. ‘To be worried? When organising a revolt, when armed soldiers are entering in the night, you have to expect there will be casualties. Lydia is dead, Hen Gedymdeith is dying. I saw for a moment, Artaud, his face was butchered. How many more victims will there be Philippa Eilhart?’

‘I do not know.’ Philippa replied sharply. ‘But I will not go back.’
‘Of course. You do not back off for anything.’
The atmosphere trembled, heels hit against the floor at a familiar rhythm. Philippa was approaching him. He remembered the nervous rhythm of her steps when, the day before they walked together around the room of Aretuza to feast on the caviar. He remembered the smell of cinnamon and nard. Now the smell was mixed with baking soda. Geralt did not think he would participate in any coup, but if he were involved, he didn’t believe he would brush his teeth beforehand.

‘He can not see you Phil.’ A seemingly sleepy Dijkstra said. ‘He sees nothing and saw nothing. The one with the pretty hair has blinded him.’
He heard and felt the breath of Philippa, her every move, but shook his head awkwardly, feigning being perplexed. The Sorceress was not fooled.
‘Do not pretend, Geralt Triss has darkened your eyes, but do not get your head removed. How is it you have appeared here?’

I ran. Where is Yennefer?’

‘Blessed are those that do not know.’ Philippa’s voice held no mockery. ‘You will live longer. Say thank you to Triss. It was a weak spell, blindness, you will see again soon. And so you have not seen what may not be seen. Watch them, Dijkstra. I’ll be back.’

Once again movement. Voices. The soprano sound of Keira Metz, the low nasal tone of Radcliffe. The tapping of soldiers boots. The raised voice of Tissaia de Vries.

Let go of her! How could you? How could you do it?’

‘she a traitor!’ said nasal, Radcliffe.

I do not believe it’

Blood is not water.’ Philippa Eilhart said coldly. ‘And Emperor Emhyr has promised the elves freedom. And an independent state of their own. And that was enough to immediately betray us.’

Answer!’ Tissaia de Vries said with emotion. ‘Answer her, Enid!’
Answer, Francesca.’
The clinking of dimeritium shackles. And the lilting elvish accent of Francesca Findabair, the Daisy of the Valley, the most beautiful woman in the world.

Me Va a Vort, Dh’oine. These N’aen and dice’n.’

Is that enough for you, Tissaia?’ said Philippa’s voice, like a bark. ‘Do you believe me now? You, me, we all are and have always been to her Dh’oine, human, which she being Aen Seidhe has nothing to say to us. And you, Fercart? What has Emhyr and Vilgefortz offered you to, to make you decide to betray us?’

Go to hell, perverted slut.’
Geralt gasped, but did not hear the sound of the brass knuckles colliding with a jaw. Philippa had more control that Keira. Or did not have any brass knuckles.

Radcliffe, take the traitors to Garstang! Dethmold, offer you arm to the great teacher de Vries. Go now. I will join you.’
Steps. The smell of cinnamon and nard.


Here I am, Phil.’

‘Your subordinates are not needed here. Have them return to Loxia.’

Are you sure...?’

To Loxia, Dijkstra!’

‘At your service, noble lady.’ The spy’s voice was perceived mockery. ‘The footmen will have already done their share. It is now the exclusive domain of sorcerers. And so i promptly removed myself from the beautiful eyes of your Highness. I did not expect gratitude for the assistance and participation in the coup but I’m sure your Highness will keep me in grateful memory.’

‘Sorry, Sigismund. Thank you for your help.’

‘Not at all, it has been a pleasure. Hey, Voymir, gather the troops. Five will be with me. Bring down the rest, they are to wait down below and embark on the Waterfall. Of course, in silence, on tiptoe, without noise or fuss. Use the side corridors. Off to Loxia’s port and not a word! Off!’

‘You have not seen anything,’ Philippa Eilhart said in a whisper to Geralt, the witcher caught a whiff of cinnamon, nard and baking soda. ‘You have not heard anything. You have never spoken to Vilgefortz. Dijkstra will lead you to Loxia. I will try to find you there when... When everything is over. I promised you something yesterday and I will keep my word.’

‘And what about Yennefer?’

‘He is obsessed.’ Dijkstra returned, shuffling his feet. ‘Yennefer, Yennefer... I get bored. Don’t worry about him, Phil. There are more important issues. Did you find in Vilgefortz’s belongings what you expected to find?

‘Yes. Here, this is for you.’

‘Oho!’ The rustle of paper. ‘Oho! Oho, oho! Beautiful! Duke Nitert. Excellent! Baron...’

‘Discreetly, without names. And I ask of you, when you return to Tretogor, do not start immediately with executions. Do not induce an early scandal.’

‘Do not be afraid. The big boys on this list, greedy for the gold of Nilfgaard are safe. For now. They will be my beloved marionettes to pull the strings on. And then impose on them more strings... Out of curiosity, were there any other lists? Do Kaedwen, Temeria or Aedirn have traitors? I would be glad to take a look. Even half a glance...’

‘I know you’d be happy. But it is none of your business. These lists have been given to Sabrina Glevissig and Radcliffe, they will know what to do with them. And now, goodbye. Hurry.’


‘I’m listening.’

‘Restore the witcher’s sight. Let’s not have him stumble on the stairs.’

‘Just look at them, witcher.’ Dijkstra leaned over the balustrade of the gallery, watching the sorcerers from a height. ‘How they play happily, you’d think they were youths. Meanwhile, the Council has been pried and almost all of its members are on trial for treason for allying with Nilfgaard. Look at this park. Just seek a secluded corner, and before the end of a fuck, Vilgefortz will already be hanging from a rope. Ah, the party, a kiss and a flower...’

‘Shut up, Dijkstra.’
‘Come.’ Dijkstra , hurried him with a cough. ‘He who rises early, the gods help.’

‘If you are in such a hurry, go alone.’

‘Well, of course,’ sneered the spy. ‘Then you can go back to the top and save your Yennefer. And fuck like drunken gnomes. We go to Loxia, witcher. Do you have delusions or something? Do you think I pulled you out of Aretuza because I’m secretly in love with you? Of course not. You are out of there because I need you.’

‘For what?’

‘Are you pretending? Studying at Aretuza are a hundred ladies from the best families of Redanian. I can not risk a conflict with the esteemed rector, Margarita Laux-Antille. The rector did not give me Cirilla, Princess of Cintra, who was brought to Thanedd by Yennefer. However, they will release her to you. When you ask her about it.’

‘Where did you get this funny idea that I’m going to ask?’

‘From the funny assumption that you want to ensure the safety of Cirilla. Under my protection, under the protection of King Vizimir, she will be safe. In Tretogor. On Thanedd it is not safe. Refrain from malicious comments. Yes, I know that initially the kings intentions were not exactly the cleanest in the world about the girl. But it has changed. It is now clear that Cirilla alive, healthy and safe can be, in the coming war, more valuable than ten heavy cavalry detachments. Dead she is not worth a damn.’

‘Does Philippa Eilhart know what you intend?’

‘She does not know. She does not even know that I know that the girl is in Loxia. My dear Phil lifts her head up high, but King Vizimir still gives the orders in Redanian. I will fulfill
Vizimir’s orders, the machinations of sorcerers give a shit. Cirilla will be out on the Waterfall and will set sail for Novigrad and then on to Tretogor. She will be safe. Do you believe me?’
Thanedd incident part 2

He sat on the bed, and clutched his head in his hands. On the floor there was no blood. But hanging on the back of a chair was a black dress. Yennefer had changed. Into male attire, the uniform of the conspirators? Or dragged away in her underwear.

In dimeritium chains. At a bay window sat the healer, Marti Sodergren. She lifted her head when she heard his footsteps. Her cheeks were wet with tears.

‘Hen Gedymdeith is dead.’ She said, her voice cracking. ‘Heart attack. I couldn’t do anything... Why did they call me so late? Sabrina struck me. I was struck in the face. Why? What has happened here?’

‘Have you seen Yennefer?’

‘No, I’ve not seen her. Leave me alone. I want to be alone.’
‘Show me the shortest way to Garstang. Please.’


The Scoia’tael.’ The sorcerer wiped his forehead with his sleeve. ‘There is fighting in Garstang. Fucking gangs, each worse than the other Philippa by night put people in chains, along with Vilgefortz and Francesca Findabair, so Francesca introduced Squirrels to the island! And Tissaia de Vries... Damn, they have messed this up!’

‘Speak clearly, Carduin!’

‘I will not waste time chattering! I’m going to Loxia, there I’m immediately teleporting to Kovir. And those there, in Garstang, can kill each other! It does not matter! We are at war! All this mess was engineered by Philippa to allow the kings to declare war on Nilfgaard! Meve of Lyria and Demavend of Aedirn provoked Nilfgaard! Do you
understand that?’

‘No,’ said Geralt. ‘I do not want to understand. Where is Yennefer?’
‘Stop it!’ screamed Marti Sodergren, bent over Dorregaray. ‘Help me! Hold him! I can not pull out the arrow!’

They helped her. Dorregaray groaned and shuddered, the stairs were also shaking. Geralt initially thought it was the magic of Marti’s healing spells. But it was Garstang. Suddenly the stained glass windows exploded, flickering in the windows of the palace was fire and smoke.
‘The battle continues.’ Carduin clenched his teeth. ‘They are going hard, spell after spell...’

‘Spells? In Garstang? But there is the magic blocking aura!’
‘It is Tissaia’s doing. She suddenly decided on which side to stand. She has removed the block, dissipating the aura and neutralizing the dimeritium. Then everyone jumped at each other’s throats! Vilgefortz and Terranova on one side, and Philippa and Sabrina on the other... The columns broke and the roof collapsed... And Francesca opened the entrance to the basement and then, there were these elven devils... We shouted that we were just neutral but Vilgefortz laughed. Before we could build a shield, Drithelm received an arrow through the eye, then they covered him like a hedgehog... I did not stay to await the development of the issue. Marti, do you have much left to do? We have to get out of here!’

‘Dorregaray will not be able to walk.’ The healer wiped her bloody hands on her white ball gown. ‘Teleport us Carduin.’
‘Here? Are you crazy. Tor Lara is too close. Portal Lara produces emanations that affect all teleportation. No one can teleport from here!’
‘He can not walk! I have to stay with him...’
‘Then stay!’ Carduin stood. ‘And have fun! I like living! I’m returning to Kovir! Kovir is neutral!’

Thanedd incident part 3

‘I repeat, Vilgefortz is a traitor! He has partnered with Emhyr of Nilfgaard, pulled into a conspiracy! He broke the law, betrayed us and the kings...’ ( Philippa )

‘Slowly Philippa. I know that the grace that surrounds you from Vizimir, means more to you than the solidarity of the Brotherhood. The same applies to you Sabrina, You play the same role in Kaedwen. Keira Metz and Triss Merigold represent the interests of Foltest of Temeria, Radcliffe is an active tool of Demavend of Aedirn...’

‘What does this have to do with it, Tissaia?’

‘The interests of kings do not necessarily coincide with ours. I know perfectly well what was going on. The kings began the extermination of the elves, and other non-humans. Maybe you, Philippa, you think it is right. Maybe you, Radcliffe, you think it appropriate to assist Demavend’s troops in a raid on Scoia’tael. But I am against it. And no wonder Enid Findabair is against you. But that still does not imply treason. Do not interrupt me! I know exactly what your kings planned, I know you want to start a war. Actions that could lead to the avoidance of war may constitute treason in the eyes of your Vizimir, but not mine. If you judge Vilgefortz and Francesca, also judge me!’

‘What war are you talking about here? My king, Esterad of Kovir, will not support and aggressive action against the Nilfgaard Empire Kovir is and will remain neutral!’

‘You are a member of the Council, Carduin, and ambassador to your king!’

‘Look who’s talking, Sabrina?’

‘Enough!’ Philippa banged her fists on the table. ‘I will satisfy your curiosity, Carduin. You ask, who is preparing for war? Nilfgaard is preparing, it is them who plan to attack and destroy us. But Emhyr var Emreis remembers Sodden Hill, and this time he decided to protect himself, by enlisting sorcerers into the game. Therefore he made contact with Vilgefortz of Roggeveen. He bought him, promising power and ambition. Yes, Tissaia. Vilgefortz, the hero of Sodden, is to become the governor and ruler of all the acquired North. It is Vilgefortz, assisted by Terranova and Fercart, who is to govern the provinces that arise in place of the kingdoms that are conquered, he will be the one shaking the nilfgaardian stick upon the slaves that inhabit this country to work for the empire, and Francesca Findabair, Gleann an Enid, is to be queen of the Elves of the Free State. This will, of course be a Nilfgaard protectorate, but the elves want simply from emperor Emhyr to be given a free hand to kill humans. And the elves want nothing with greater passion than to kill Dh’oine.’

‘It is a heavy accusation. Therefore, the evidence will have to be just as weighty. But before you throw this evidence on the scales, Philippa Eilhart, be aware of my position. Evidence can be fabricated, actions and their motives can be interpreted. However the present facts do not change anything. You broke the unity and solidarity of the Brotherhood, Philippa Eilhart. You chained up members of the Chapter like thieves. Do not dare now to propose a place in the new Chapter your band of coup plotters plans to create and sell to the kings. Between us there is blood and death. Hen Gedymdeith’s death. And the blood of Lydia van Bredevoort. With contempt you have spilled this blood. You were my best student, Philippa Eilhart. I’ve always been proud of you. But now I have only contempt for you.’

Keira Metz was pale as parchment.

‘For some time now,’ she whispered. ‘it has been quiet in Garstang. It is ending... they are chasing through the palace. It has five floors, seventy-six rooms and halls. This is where they chase...’
‘You were talking about Yennefer. Hurry. I’m afraid you’ll pass out.’
‘About Yennefer? Ah, yes... Everything went our way, when suddenly Yennefer appeared. And introduce to the room the medium...’


‘A girl, about fourteen years old. Ashen hair, big green eyes... Before we had time to contemplate it, the girl began to prophesy. She told about the events in Dol Angra. No one had any doubts she was telling the truth. She was in a trance, those in a trance don’t lie.’

Thanedd incident part 4 ( last part )

‘Last night,’ said the medium. ‘an army with the banners of Lyria and the standards of Aedirn perpetrated an attack against the rule of Nilfgaard. They attacked Glevitzingen an outpost located in Dol Angra. A herald announced on behalf of King Demavend to the surrounding villages, from today, Aedirn assumes government over all the country. Then called people to take up arms against Nilfgaard...’( ciri )

‘Impossible! It is a hideous provocation!’

‘How easily those words leave your mouth, Philippa Eilhart.’ Tissaia de Vries said quietly. ‘But do not worry, your cries have not interrupted the trance. Keep talking, girl.’

‘Emperor Emhyr var Emreis gave the order to answer blow with blow. Nilfgaard’s armies have entered this morning at dawn Aedirn and Lyria.’

‘So then,’ smiled Tissaia. ‘Our kings have shown themselves to be the intelligent, enlightened and peace-loving rules that they are. And some sorcerers have proven on whose side they are. To those who might have had the foresight avoided a predatory war they have been placed in dimeritium chains and have absurd accusations levelled against them...’

‘It is all a lie!’

‘To hell with you all!’ Sabrina Glevissig suddenly shouted. ‘Philippa! What does all this mean? What does this trouble in Dol Angra mean? Didn’t we establish that it shouldn’t start so soon? Why had this fucking Demavend not stopped it? Why is this slut Meve...’

‘Shut up, Sabrina!’

‘Oh no, let her speak.’ Tissaia de Vries raised her head. ‘We speak of Henselt’s Kaedwen army concentrating on the border. We speak about the soldiers of Foltest of Temeria who surely now has his ships pouring in to the water that had been hidden in the forests of Yaruga. We speak of the special forces under the command of Vizimir of Redania next to the Pontar. Did you think, Philippa that we are deaf and blind?’

‘This is nothing but a bloody provocation! King Vizimir...’

‘King Vizimir,’ the impassive voice of the ashen haired medium interrupted, ‘was murdered last night. Killed by an assassin. Redania no longer has a king.’

‘Redania has long had no king.’ Tissaia de Vries stood. ‘In Redania his majesty has been ruled by Philippa Eilhart, a worthy successor to Raffard the White. Willing to sacrifice tens of thousands of lives to achieve absolute power.’

‘Do not listen!’ Philippa cries. ‘Do not listen to this medium! She is a tool, a mindless tool... Who do you server, Yennefer? Who commanded you to bring this monster here?’

‘I did.’ Tissaia de Vries said.

What happened next? What happened to the girl? With Yennefer?’

‘I don’t know.’ Keira closed her eyes. ‘Tissaia suddenly lifted the blockade. ‘With a spell. I’ve never seen anything like it... We were stunned and blocked, then she released Vilgefortz and the others... and Francesca opened the basement door and Garstang immediately started swarming with Scoia’tael. They were being lead by a monster in nilfgaardian armour and a winged helmet. They were helped by a man with a scar on his face. He knew how to cast spells. And protected himself with magic...’


‘Maybe, I don’t know. It was hot... The ceiling collapsed. Spells and arrows... a massacre... Among them Fercart was killed, among us Drithelm was killed, Radcliffe was killed, Marquard was killed, Rejean and Bianca d’Este... Triss Merigold was injured, Sabrina was wounded... When Tissaia saw the corpses she started to understand her error and tried to protect us, tried to restrain Vilgefortz and Terranova... Vilgefortz ridiculed and mocked her. Then he lost his mind and ran away. Oh, Tissaia... So many dead...’

What about the girl and Yennefer?’

‘I don’t know.’ The sorceress was drowning in coughing, spitting blood. She was breathing very slowly and with obvious effort. ‘After one of the row of explosions I lost consciousness for a moment. The one with the scar and his elves had overpowered me. Terranova first kicked me, then threw me out the window.’

‘It’s not just your leg, Keira. You have broken ribs.’

‘Don’t leave me.’

‘I have to. I’ll be back for you.’


Terranova laughed while throwing back his head. The laughter became a cry of pain. A great gray owl flew down quietly and dug her claws into his eyes. The wizard let go of Ciri, and with a rapid motion knocked the owl away from himself, then fell to his knees clutching his face. From between his fingers flowed blood. Ciri screamed and fell back. Terranova withdrew his bloodstained hands from his face which was covered with mucus, he began chanting a spell with a wild piercing cry. He did not have time. Behind him materialized an indistinct shape, a witcher’s sword howled through the air and pierced his neck just below the occiput.



‘No time for sentimentality,’ said the owl from atop a wall, transforming into a dark haired woman. ‘Run! Squirrels are coming!’ ( philippa )

Ciri freed herself from Geralt’s arms, and looked in amazement. The female owl sitting on top of the wall looked terrible. She was charred, scratched, smeared with ashes and blood.

‘You little monster,’ said the owl, looking down from above. ‘For your untimely prophesy I should... But I promised something to your witcher, and I always keep my word. I could not give you Rience, Geralt. In return I give you her. Farewell. Flee!’

‘Not one of the sorcerers changed their mind? Not even when Nilfgaard was beating and burning Aedirn, no one abandoned Vilgefortz and joined Philippa?’

‘No one’

Geralt was silent for a long time.
‘I don’t believe it,’ he said finally very silently. ‘I don’t believe that none would reject Vilgefortz, when his true motives and consequences for his betrayal came to light. I am, as is known, a naive, stupid, anachronistic witcher. Perhaps that is why I cannot believe that none of the mage‘s conscience awakened.’

The sun, red as blood, slowly set behind the roofs.
Archmistress Tissaia de Vries sat down on her chair, blew out the candles, arranged the postion of the pen on the parchment for one last time, then cut the wrists on both of her hands.

Well this book was end badly in the end Tissaia de Vries misunderstand philippa intention and unleash that traitor Vilgefortz until half of her student has been kill by Vilgefortz Terranova and Francesca after that Tissaia de Vries feel guilty not long she commit suicide cut both of her own hand in atuzen ( i hope satisfy all of you )
I's been almost a year since I played the games, but I believe Radovid made great last minute entrances to both games and suprised me. I look forward to see what he'll be doing in the third. But I also want to forget all about him just for that surprise effect :)/>

As always, great read KoP. Especially the last part. I regret reading it this late really and it makes me want to play Iorveth's path again to see Philippa.

By the way, I saw a "my tops" link there and found your Adam Jensen article. I don't know where else to say this, but it was great as well. Loved your comment about Jensen's apartment and I absolutely agree. There have been times when I played that game that I thought if they fired their writers and depended solely on art designers (or whoever is responsible for that apartment) and music to tell the story, it would have been one of the best games I ever played.
Thanks for the great write up. For me, I always go get Triss, I've never been able to make a different choice. I support Triss, even if I don't support all the mages. Anything other than going to get Triss results with Triss and other Sorceresses being put in danger, something I cannot countenance.

So, in my game the result is pre determined. I love the write ups, thanks a lot.
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