The Power of Tibor Eggebracht

a_page06;n9212861 said:
Ah good old Millfgard. Btw I haven't seen Avallach mentioned yet. Renew also.

By my count:
Albrich x2 (played and decoyed)
Avallach x4 (played and renewed)
Tibor x1
Treason x1 (although your opponent gets the benefit of the card)

You are commenting on something from several patches ago... cards have changed.
You forgot to add Sweers and Regis into the mix. Those also rid your opponent of cards in their deck for Millfgard. The only problem with Millgard is that you usually have to make it to round 3 to get the card advantage. Good players will see through the strategy, and try to outplay you in the first two rounds.
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