The Power of Tibor Eggebracht

Seems legit, just like Milva, if your opponent don't have any unit to get back or just Operator on the board, her effect doesn't trigger.
Firekangaroo;n8766940 said:
Black_legion that doesnt help fixing him.
i don't get how switching the order of his effects would fix this. Also you can very well play around this. Passing earlier to get card advantage in round 3 can win you the game with the right cards

Oh really? No card - no problem?
sund_F;n8766820 said:
Why it says "Clash: Boost self by 15, then your opponent Draws a Revealed Bronze card" and not the other way around "Clash: Your opponent Draws a Revealed Bronze card, then Boost self by 15".
Everytime when Tibor is played as last card on 3rd round I draw nothing, because i don't have any Bronze card left in my deck, so basically free 25 value Gold card for opponent. Please consider fixing his deploy ability.

Tibor is a bit OP but i really think they should change it from 10 str to 15 str and then make his deploy ability like this:

Tibor 15 value gold card :
Deploy: draw your opponent a bronze card then boost self buy the amount of card value it draws. That will be more legit than a 15 straight away boost.
Tibor is one of the strongest cards in the game. A 15 gold is considered good (Regis only gets there if you are winning), limiting your opponent to drawing a bronze, which rarely amount to 10 swing means it is usually a 17-20 swing card.. that's a bit broken. Also no set up needed, just your opponent hasn't passed..
Yeah, Tibor would be fine with me, in terms of power level, if he were one of the two:

"Deploy: Your opponent draws a random card and then boost self by 15". This way you don't limit the card to a bronze, but allow silver's as well, and you only get the boost if a card is drawn.


"Deploy: Your opponent draws a random bronze card and then boost self by 10". If you want to limit to bronze, then lower the value to a 20 gold. Also, only boost if a card is drawn.

Either of those is still boring as hell. Tibor right now is too strong, IMO, but he's also an utter bore. I don't run him because I hate the card's concept. I'd much rather have him be reworked into something more interesting. But if he's to be kept within this huge body in exchange for -1 CA, then I'd suggest one of the above.
Skryba86;n8777740 said:
Yeah, Tibor would be fine with me, in terms of power level, if he were one of the two:

"Deploy: Your opponent draws a random card and then boost self by 15". This way you don't limit the card to a bronze, but allow silver's as well, and you only get the boost if a card is drawn.


"Deploy: Your opponent draws a random bronze card and then boost self by 10". If you want to limit to bronze, then lower the value to a 20 gold. Also, only boost if a card is drawn.

Either of those is still boring as hell. Tibor right now is too strong, IMO, but he's also an utter bore. I don't run him because I hate the card's concept. I'd much rather have him be reworked into something more interesting. But if he's to be kept within this huge body in exchange for -1 CA, then I'd suggest one of the above.

Still OP. [draw a fogger (2) and boost for (15) sure.]

If your opponent didn't pass, your opponent draws a random card. If it is an unit card then boost self by it's card's strength.
Skryba86;n8777740 said:
Yeah, Tibor would be fine with me, in terms of power level, if he were one of the two:

"Deploy: Your opponent draws a random card and then boost self by 15". This way you don't limit the card to a bronze, but allow silver's as well, and you only get the boost if a card is drawn.


"Deploy: Your opponent draws a random bronze card and then boost self by 10". If you want to limit to bronze, then lower the value to a 20 gold. Also, only boost if a card is drawn.

Either of those is still boring as hell. Tibor right now is too strong, IMO, but he's also an utter bore. I don't run him because I hate the card's concept. I'd much rather have him be reworked into something more interesting. But if he's to be kept within this huge body in exchange for -1 CA, then I'd suggest one of the above.

boost by 10, with the powercreep that bronzes got in OB is making him a net value of 12, which is plain bad for current gold standards. Making his base an 8 (revert the OB buff he got) is more than enough imo, and that's strictly because he's a bit easier than other, "pure power" golds to activate, except Kayran, who also needs his "extra boost" to be nerfed to 5 down from 8
Not many gold can do a 20+ points swing in round 3 with 1 card. Tibor is plain the strongest card to save for round 3 if you mill resources down already. Not many decks can do 25 with 2 cards. When he is gold as well so scorch won't help.
shroudb;n8779450 said:
boost by 10, with the powercreep that bronzes got in OB is making him a net value of 12, which is plain bad for current gold standards. Making his base an 8 (revert the OB buff he got) is more than enough imo, and that's strictly because he's a bit easier than other, "pure power" golds to activate, except Kayran, who also needs his "extra boost" to be nerfed to 5 down from 8

Yeah, thing is, the opponent isn't even drawing a random bronze unit. He's drawing a random bronze, potentially useless card in the situation. The fact that you have an untouchable, unconditional, no setup needed, one card power house, then either lowering it to 20 power, or allowing a silver draw seems like the fair thing to do, IMO. 2 power drop alone doesn't seem like it'd be enough.
Skryba86;n8781570 said:
Yeah, thing is, the opponent isn't even drawing a random bronze unit. He's drawing a random bronze, potentially useless card in the situation. The fact that you have an untouchable, unconditional, no setup needed, one card power house, then either lowering it to 20 power, or allowing a silver draw seems like the fair thing to do, IMO. 2 power drop alone doesn't seem like it'd be enough.

20 is still too little no matter how you look at it.

there are very few bronzes that do less than 6-7 points standalaone, and a lot of them doing 10+ at this point, hence why they average out as "8 str".

Basically, making 20 will make him worse than even gerald, who is the worst gold you get for free, literally unplayable at this point.

23, which would average at pure "15" value is good enough.

if they make him draw a silver as well, then it should stay as a 25, either one is fine i guess, but 20 is simply too low.
shroudb;n8782230 said:
20 is still too little no matter how you look at it.

there are very few bronzes that do less than 6-7 points standalaone, and a lot of them doing 10+ at this point, hence why they average out as "8 str".

Basically, making 20 will make him worse than even gerald, who is the worst gold you get for free, literally unplayable at this point.

23, which would average at pure "15" value is good enough.

if they make him draw a silver as well, then it should stay as a 25, either one is fine i guess, but 20 is simply too low.

Yeah, allowing for the silver draw, IMO, is the right thing to do, and leave him at 25. Also, change the triggers so he only buffs if the draw happens.

Anyway, even at 20 he wouldn't really be worse than geralt at all because he won't draw a random unit, he'll draw a random card. So not only will he most likely not draw a unit above 8 power from all the bronze units available, but he'll also quite likely not draw a unit at all, depending on the deck he's facing. This makes him a really good last turn play that allows you to dry your opponent to the last card in round 2, then play him alone in round 3 and have a very high chance of winning just off of that. Especially if played with xarthesius, to control your opponent's top deck and see what he'll draw for round 3 to plan in advance.
Gonna be honest, I kinda feel like he is. You get to just plop an untouchable 25 points down onto the board, and your opponent is given one measly extra card as recompense. I main NG right now, and I've never even considered crafting a Tibor.

He's right up there alongside gold weathers when it comes to cards I'd feel dirty for playing.
On the one hand, I think *some* of the issues with Tibor just come back to bad deck-building by the competition. I mean, if an opposing Tibor pulls you a random bronze and can't get at least 8 value out of it, maybe rethink some deck choices? Run fewer potential dead draws. I dunno. It's also worth pointing out that there are absolutely other Gold cards that can be equally huge 15+ point power swings. Geralt: Igni, Coral, Ithlinne, Caretaker and of course many weather effects if left unchecked.

That said, I do ultimately think Tibor is well above the power curve. All those cards are all at least somewhat situational. They require certain deck builds and certain boards to get that kind of value. Tibor is pretty unique in that it can just get dropped on the board in any situation and be good for, bare minimum, 10 strength with the potential to be worth 20+. That kind of utility coupled with that kind of raw power is definitely too much. It should absolutely be reined in to some degree.

As to a solution, I think two things: Firstly, I think making the buff conditional on them actually drawing a card is a must. It's just too easy to wind up with a round 3 where your opponent has nothing to draw and Tibor becomes a 25 power Gold. Secondly, making him pull a bronze or silver would be smart. Then, Tibor's effectiveness against you is at least somewhat tied to your own play. Smart deck thinning can mitigate it.
KingPegasus;n8779630 said:
Not many gold can do a 20+ points swing in round 3 with 1 card. Tibor is plain the strongest card to save for round 3 if you mill resources down already. Not many decks can do 25 with 2 cards. When he is gold as well so scorch won't help.

20 point swing in one round? Please... I can do that with a bronze. If you are playing against NG, you should always consider the possibility of Tibor.
Tibor is absolutely okay. Everyone who is complaining he is OP is just to lazy to carry counter against him. You can actually counter him with one single card.
god so many Gwent players gamers have no idea what stategy, synergy and card combo is. This is not an exploit it is intelligent deck design.

Actually getting so fucking over all this ridiculous complaining. A generation of gamers who think everything should be easy. Go play WoW, that's why they made it.
I havent played much. But i find tibor too over powered. With Hjalmar u can use Dimetrium Shackles and prevent his abilities but with Tibor its direct +25 attack for him.
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