The Two Weird Doors in Hidden Kabuki...

Hidden within Kabuki, not far from the travel spot, are a pair of weird doors that do something almost no doors in Kabuki do. They open. Into each other. I'm explaining this poorly, but they're like a kind of weird.. shortcut? I dunno how else to explain them. There's weird hints around them too, but all written in Japanese. Like "Getting Ready" and talks about being in the process of burning... and within the room these doors lead to is a bunch of graffiti, and buried beneath it appears to be a link.

Something slukslxxk.tnuxog (xs are the letters I can't make out) and next to the letters is what appears to be a targeted robot penis. post um... sliming. I can only imagine that means .com. If you saw the rest of the graffiti with its hilariously juvenile humor you'd understand why I made that connection.

I dunno, maybe it's nothing... but if you encountered the two weird doors that shouldn't open to where they do (because they shouldn't open at all) you'd know what I'm talking about.

About there.
checked it out..dunno , doesn't seem to be anything that leads to anything else... cool find though ;)
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