The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project by Halk Hogan PL

WalteriusMaximus;n8518660 said:
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think those stone walls really needed any work. There are things like wooden structures that need it much more desperately because most timber textures are terrible, especially outdoors.
It's just your opinion, my it's totally different. And don't worry, wood will be soon. :)
HalkHoganPL;n8518730 said:
It's just your opinion, my it's totally different. And don't worry, wood will be soon. :)

I know yours is different. What I mean is that those stones are already good quality in vanilla, so I'm just wondering why you are spending your time and effort fixing something that does not require fixing ;)
WalteriusMaximus;n8518770 said:
I know yours is different. What I mean is that those stones are already good quality in vanilla, so I'm just wondering why you are spending your time and effort fixing something that does not require fixing ;)
I always hated this stones so I had to rework them. For me they are not good quality and were too flat. That's all.
I like new bricks very much, however...

... I'm still in very love with those :D
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VerticalRecoil;n8531050 said:
Should I install the optional 4K texture enabler files along with the main mod for the better textures to show up? I'm confused.
Currently there is only five half 4k textures (2048x4096 Ivy diffuse, normal and specular maps) and the difference between 2k and 4k is like on Ivy comparison screenshots so that's your choice. It's just about a few mb more use of VRAM, nothing more. :)
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VerticalRecoil;n8531050 said:
Should I install the optional 4K texture enabler files along with the main mod for the better textures to show up? I'm confused.

4K texture enabler files? What on earth are you talking about?
WalteriusMaximus;n8531190 said:
4K texture enabler files? What on earth are you talking about?

There is a folder called '4k texture enabler' inside the 'optional' folder with 2 files rendering.ini and rendering.xml so I got confused whether I need to install those also for the HD textures to take effect or not. But
HalkHoganPL already cleared that up for me.

btw, are you going to rework the textures of the bricks in the sewers? because they look awful
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(Excuse me for duplicating comment from Nexus, just need u to see). Dude, your work cant be underestimated, thank u so much! But, if u can, PLEASE do something with fire in Witcher 3: environment, water, particles — all these things are amazing in W3 (with ur work even more). But fire need some love. When Geralt wins Eredin and stands over him, in the backgrounds there are big fire pillar and it is so poorly rendered. Man, if u do this and make fire in W3 as qualitative as all other stuff what u ve done, Witcher 3 can be finally considered a 100% perfect game (even without dragons and Iorveth).
Slash179 Because graphics make a game perfect? ^^ I think ramccoid is working on a retexture for fire and smoke, so I think Halk should focus on something else first ;)
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