The Witcher 3: The War

The Witcher 3: The War

People talking about downgrades, but let me remind something that game is not PC exlusive anymore, its multi platform and everyone should get the same game. Stop blame consoles and stop call them "Peasents" Hell, even some CDPR devs will play his own creation on consoles, that makes him peasents? How dare you call that? You guys thing you did buy CDPR studio with your 30,40,50$ and blame them why the game is downgraded because PC is the king? Some people are angry how the consoles can run this game, angry how the graphics are same as Pc. What you expect? Ps4 version with Wooden sword rather than real sword? Will you satisfy to see that? Even when this happen, Im sure some people will start jelaous why consol has wooden sword and Pc dont. If we dont have the Alfa build, thats not CDPR faults, its current hardwares fault. Devs did build the game before consoles and new pc hardwares are released, and they tought that consoles will be powerfull enough, and they change it to release to all platform to give same experients. PC still have nvidias exlusives and still not happy? Even Pc has better shader, shadow, draw distances and still not enough? Even I will play it on consol and Im not argue about that extras, coz everyone have his own taste to play a game on his platforms. Expensive Pc rig doesnt mean that you will get major extras than consoles and stop acting like a King. Peasents can drow the king from his throne when they are angry. Peasents are more powerfull than a king. If console owners are peasant, than why pc users playing the games on PC that were on consoles like GTAV? Gta is a console game and after pc release, people starting trolling consol players now that GTAV is better on Pc. Ofc it is, how can Rockstar sell his consol game to Pc users? It has to be something new things added to pc. In summer consoles will get that exlusives too. I will happy if the witcher 3 works stable frame rate rather than great graphics, I will unhappy with unstable frame rate with that Alfa build graphics. CDPR can make a game graphics even better than Alfa build if they want, but we dont have the hardwares yet. With final build plus alfa build graphics, your 980 rigs wont work (15fps). What you see in Alfa build it was just a clue test, a vision, a announce that the game is coming, a trailer. Now you will get a great Rpg this year to play. Just stop being a fanboy. Make no war, make love.
Yes, everyone should get the same game but PC should get A LOT better graphics than consoles.

End of discussion :pizza:
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