The Witcher 3 - Visuals

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In my opinion,, those places aren't the same, OR, they first designed white orchard with the color scheme of the Novigrad region (gold), and then changed it.

Now it looks kind of like No man's land art direction, a part where war hasn't ruined everything yet that is.

I prefer the look of the old scene but its my taste, and its just very well arranged and prepared compared to the other random one. That being said, grass and foliage had much more volume before, now sun light just turns everything into a green paste unfortunately.
Yes, I think they changed white orchards "climate". The draw distance isn't necessarily downgraded, it might just be humid/foggy. I have seen some impressive draw distance in other places.
Buddy, open this video, go to 37:40 mark, and tell me how is this hair worse than the hair you have shown in the January footage. I mean, if you are this serious about this, then my work here is done I guess.

That was evening and i went to sleep yesterday. So good morning now. :) I already watched and analized the hair in that whole video million times. Now i will tell you everything what i think about this and January hair. And i hope you will understand me well, my english is not very well. Some time i just can't find proper word to explane myself.

Now i will saparate this explanation into 3 part. 1st. Shape of hair. 2nd. Shader of the hair 3rd. movement of the hair.

Shape. in January build it seems there were many hair layers on top of each other. More thick hair on top and less thick hair on bottom. And the falloff of the hair was more natural and there was more wave fallof.

You can see all of this from here. stop it at 7:45 when camera is zooming the head of Geralt.

But new hair is so simple. One thicknes on all of the hair. The falloff is almost linear. The bottom end of the hair is so linear and so neat. Looks like Geralt was in barbar few minutes ago.

You can see this here: stop at 40:37 where camera zoom to Geralts hair.

Shaders. I think you know what does shaders mean. It is the surface with some type of information which we understand what type surface it is when we look at it. It is material that causes how the light perform with and what we see when the light hit and bounce from surface. The PBR shader is that the reflection of light is calculated automaticly for reflection value not to be higher than value of absorded light.

Now In January footage hair shader was different than last build. More complex shader was there. I can't understand what exactly but it looked like hair more than now. I think there was more subsurface scattering or another technique, i do not now. It was white how the hair can be white.

Watch: especially after 6:40.

But now the shader is simple too. white and still same kind of shader but less complex. Now there is stupid white bloom instead of the some kind of techniques.

Watch after Almost same TOD. So it means that surface must look almost identical. Watch the hair when Geralt trying to hit gees. Clearly the shaders is not good as January build when Geralt walked to tavern.

Movement I thing if you will watch the videos where i tagged you will see differences. But let me say something about this. In January build the hair of Geralt moved with more wave .

But now it moves only up and down. And again more neat,.

Really i am tired. I really disappointed what i saw from youtubers'. This is not same game by graphics. Draw distance, grass, lighting. Just watched The VGX screen comparison and my last hope died with that. And it's same place. Same buildings, same terrian, same castle in distance. Even same TOD. :(

Edit: It doesn't mean game looks not good. Game still looks good. But not good as before.
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The look of the game definitely changed since then but I think SweetFX might help somewhat to bring that feel back for those who want it.

With the risk of other areas in the game looking super weird of course. xP

Oh WOW that looks so awesome! Like VGX haha.

Is this just normal game footage? Or did you manipulate it?
Alright, seeing that the thread's moved on a bit past the original topic, I guess it's time to repurpose it. Title changed. Carry on :)
I have something really interesting on this subject! I was looking at one of the youtubers gameplay and suddenly: :look:

It's the same location as this scene from the VGX trailer:

Mind you, the shot from the youtube video is in horrible quality so it's hard to judge eventual loss of "awsome graphix". But the tone is drastically different for sure. Very interesting indeed. I think I prefer the current look, it looks more "natural". The VGX trailer is more striking but looks like a gritty movie whit overuse of post-filters.

What do you think?

Dam!! top looks like 360.. bottom like cg and how i wanted my witcher 3 to look.... :(
U just need SLI 980, or SLI TITAN and u will get VGX quality or even better if u downsample this game from 4k to 1080p, just look at these screenshots ;) :

You made mistake :) We never will get VGX graphics quality. Just because the game changed by artistic side. There is not that color anymore in game.

Edit: Grass, trees and draw distance is not same too. There is no particles and some kind of dust under the horse when gallop too.
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I have something really interesting on this subject! I was looking at one of the youtubers gameplay and suddenly: :look:

It's the same location as this scene from the VGX trailer:

Mind you, the shot from the youtube video is in horrible quality so it's hard to judge eventual loss of "awsome graphix". But the tone is drastically different for sure. Very interesting indeed. I think I prefer the current look, it looks more "natural". The VGX trailer is more striking but looks like a gritty movie whit overuse of post-filters.

What do you think?

I think the biggest implication of this draw distance reduction is that it really messes with that whole "Point of Interest" stuff the devs like Peter were talking about before.
About how there is always something in the distance that catches your eye and makes you want to go there. It seems with the reduction of the draw distance using that fog, it really messes up that whole idea.
For example look at that far off building/castle in the background between the two screenshots. In the VGX one you can see it clearly, it makes you go "oh hey that looks cool, let's go there", yet in the new footage, it's just a silhouette and mixes with the rest of the fog, to the point you could easily miss it entirely if you're not paying enough attention to it.

This could mean a lot of bad things. If we're looking at all previous info, this "points of interest" game design philosophy has been built like that from the very beginning, but the reduction of draw distance to meet performance targets seems to be a more recent addition.
That could mean that the entire game was built around points of interests in the distance, yet the new draw distance completely fumbles it up essentially.
Since it's not something that can be redone to go hand in hand with the new reduced draw distance since it would involve literally re-shifting every single point of interest in the game.
I think that's the main issue I have with it, not that the graphics supposedly look worse than before, but the actual implications that something like the reduced draw distance can have on gameplay and player exploration.
I have something really interesting on this subject! I was looking at one of the youtubers gameplay and suddenly: :look:

It's the same location as this scene from the VGX trailer:

Mind you, the shot from the youtube video is in horrible quality so it's hard to judge eventual loss of "awsome graphix". But the tone is drastically different for sure. Very interesting indeed. I think I prefer the current look, it looks more "natural". The VGX trailer is more striking but looks like a gritty movie whit overuse of post-filters.

What do you think?

Don't really want to go in to this discussion again as I think we have been around it a hundred fold. The game is done and being shipped and nothing will change in this regards at least short term. Maybe modders can create the "older look".

One thing though. Have anyone notices that in earlier material there was quite some impressive and heavy smoke from chimnies. It can be seen here in the older shot and if you watch older shots of Novigrad it had it too. But in newer material I haven't seen it anywhere? Is it removed from the game completely or am I just blind?
There is not that color anymore in game.
What does changing color scheme have to do with quality? Taste yes but quality... I can't say for the quality of game compared to what it used to be because I haven't actually played either and screenshots/video are all over the place in quality (not to mention not looking at them all trying not to spoil it too much) Just thought that comment was weird... Wasn't there a 500+ page thread on this debate already?
@OliverDK Yeah I think that chimney smoke is gone, as it's purely volumetric. I'm thinking it would be a crazy performance hog in Novigrad.

@Salulu The screenshot Sneky has posted in page 38 is pretty impressive in regards to the draw distance though. It might be just the actualy fog here. I can't know for sure of course.
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