The Witcher 3: What is a next-gen RPG? - by Eurogamer

eskiMoe said:
One word.


The only reason why I played the game.

I agree. While Skyrim wasn't nearly as bad as Oblivion mods make the game 1000X better. The only thing that I want to see desperatly in Witcher 3 is first person view. There is a mod that lets you have a pseudo first person view in Witcher 2 and the game looks fantastic from that perspective although obviously its a bit wonky since it wasn't designe that way from the get go.

An open world game can make a game several times better than it could be as an "RGP on rails" I like those games for a one time play but since there is no room to explore or just go off and do random crap it loses its charm after the first play through. Morrowind is arguable one of the best RPGs (despite the combat) ever made. It was designed for PCs, didn't hold your hand and treat you like a toddler. At the same time you could literally finish the main quest in under 11 minutes (youtube videos showing the metagaming) or you could spend hundreds of hours on a character (mods help alot in that game as well) and never touch the main quest. Skyrim is alot better than Oblivion but I have only done the mainquest twice and I have over 600 hours in that game. Sometimes exploring is alot more fun that redoing scripted quests no matter how good they might be.
Thanks for posting this, interesting read.

Cormacolindor said:
Aaaand this is exactly what happened with Piranha Bytes. They started small, saw they had success and then compromised their vision in Gothic 3 (I think they wanted it to be an Oblivion killer). They went from smaller, more condensed worlds to TES-like open worlds and in the process compromised everything their games stood for. THAT is why I am worried.

I remember how people placed their trust in them 100% and then how disappointed they were. The nerdrage on WOG was something to behold. This is why I think people should not have expectations from any game and be realistic. You'll be happier this way.

Oh, don't remind me or I'll be depressed for weeks. I really hope CDPR are wiser than PB and won't fall into the same damn trap.

They are right about open world adventure games - some of them have great stories. It is more complicated with RPG because they'll have to add a normal dialogue system (which adventure games do not have) and other RPG stuff, but it is doable. I am rooting for them. If CDPR manages to pull it off - a great world, RPG system, and a complex story - they will be kings of the gaming world.
eskiMoe said:
One of the reasons why I won't be preordering the game (The Witcher 2). Or buying it on day 1 (The Witcher 1). I'm frankly fed up buying broken games at launch and beta testing them for the developers. I'll leave that to the die hard fans here :p/>/>

Only once I'm certain that the game is without game breaking bugs I'm going to get it from GOG.

That's fine. It isn't my time being wasted on a message board for a game I'm not interested in. :p

Seriously though I understand why people can be skeptical considering the quality of releases these days.
vivaxardas said:
Thanks for posting this, interesting read.

Oh, don't remind me or I'll be depressed for weeks. I really hope CDPR are wiser than PB and won't fall into the same damn trap.

They are right about open world adventure games - some of them have great stories. It is more complicated with RPG because they'll have to add a normal dialogue system (which adventure games do not have) and other RPG stuff, but it is doable. I am rooting for them. If CDPR manages to pull it off - a great world, RPG system, and a complex story - they will be kings of the gaming world.

Ugh, I still have flashes from my launch day experiences with Gothic 3. It may sound childish, but I was bummed out for a week. PB promised a lot and the initial dev diaries and preview were positive, for it to be far worse than anyone could imagine.

Anyhow, if CD Projekt manages to pull it all of then TW3 will be one heck of a game, but it is not a bad thing to keep in mind how ambitious the project is.
vincentdante said:
That's fine. It isn't my time being wasted on a message board for a game I'm not interested in. :p/>
Oh snap! Below the belt.. :p/>

vincentdante said:
Seriously though I understand why people can be skeptical considering the quality of releases these days.
Yup. It seems like an ongoing trend from publishers/devs to release buggy/unfinished games @ launch, save money and use the fanbase's feedback to fix them. I hate it.

vincentdante said:
If CDPR manages to pull it off - a great world, RPG system, and a complex story - they will be kings of the gaming world.
King or beggar, what's the difference.. :p/>
501105 said:
I would not take the Gaf too seriously, there are some very....unique people over there.
Well aware, that's why I put it up for some laughs. It's hilarious

For example:
"That's bullshit, you don't "need" to use APIs if you have direct access to the hardware."


501105 said:
I would not take the Gaf too seriously, there are some very....unique people over there.

In my opinion, NeoGAF is hands down the funniest, most informative, spirited and intelligently controversial gaming forum around.
AgentBlue said:
In my opinion, NeoGAF is hands down the funniest, most informative, spirited and intelligently controversial gaming forum around.

Not always , we are in midst of new console launch.There is "console war" atm going on gaf so even most inteligent posters there can caught mob mentality while lynching as it happening right now in that gaf thread : ppls didnt read article just tittle and are defending "their platform" and are lynching CDPR.Read that thread and say something about intelligent gaming forum :D
Im not taking serious GAF next half year untill dust settles... :D (im loorking that forum since 2007 or 2008 cant remember)
AgentBlue said:
In my opinion, NeoGAF is hands down the funniest, most informative, spirited and intelligently controversial gaming forum around.
I'd say Informative and sometimes intelligent and funny because of all the dumb posts.
sidspyker said:
I'd say Informative and sometimes intelligent and funny because of all the dumb posts.
Nah funny cos there are a lot really good gif makers on GAF.

Cant wait till dec 7 to see new trailer to see reactions , probably there will be less pages than thread with missread sentence :rolleyes:
Reod said:
Nah funny cos there are a lot really good gif makers on GAF.

Cant wait till dec 7 to see new trailer to see reactions , probably there will be less pages than thread with missread sentence.
I was just being a bit facetious :p

Yeah some nice GIF guys, but a LOT of dumb posts really do exist.


Reod said:
Not always , we are in midst of new console launch.There is "console war" atm going on gaf so even most inteligent posters there can caught mob mentality while lynching as it happening right now in that gaf thread : ppls didnt read article just tittle and are defending "their platform" and are lynching CDPR.Read that thread and say something about intelligent gaming forum :D/> Im not taking serious GAF next half year untill dust settles... :D/> (im loorking that forum since 2007 or 2008 cant remember)

Reod said:
I'd say Informative and sometimes intelligent and funny because of all the dumb posts.

Perhaps I'm biased, but I disagree. NeoGAF is self-contained disease & cure, pathogen & antidote. Anyway, back on topic.
eskiMoe said:
Yup. It seems like an ongoing trend from publishers/devs to release buggy/unfinished games @ launch, save money and use the fanbase's feedback to fix them. I hate it.

As long as we're talking about disappointing recent releases, let's not forget the mini-DLCs that add another type of tree or a hat to your character and stuff like that. lol

Thankfully we have another reason to believe CDP is a trustworthy company here: they said that the only possibility for us to pay any extra cash was if they released a huge DLC, like a big expansion pack.
sidspyker said:
Anybody up for seeing some cringeworthy reactions?

What? Can't hear the complaints over the sound of my smugness.
sidspyker said:
Anybody up for seeing some cringeworthy reactions?

This guy is good:

these guys come from a PC mindset. i know when you look through the myopia of a console shitfight that the difference between the raw computational power of the PS4 and the bone is the biggest thing in the world, but when you're setting yourself up to scale from SLI titans to piece of shit integrated solutions, the two consoles are very firmly in the same power bracket.

the second comment regarding the PS4's memory is that there is no point building a game around that one spec if they can't shift it to other platforms. better to build the game first then see how they can use that spec to optimise performance.

a lot of people need to just unplug their routers and enjoy their time with their new consoles for a while. stop participating in these depressing discourse graveyards, where any statement which doesn't appease the line you've been pushing for the last six months word-for-word is just another excuse to start slapping your own ass till it's red and waving it about in public.


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