The Witcher downloadable demo available now!

Targonis said:
Thanks for excellent summary, I have been wondering about few things in demo you pointed out now myself.I would like to mention that there is possibility to try some alchemy even in demo. At least I was able to produce few sword coatings, get some Blizzards and Cats and even use them ;-). True, they probably were not necessary but for those stuck with the demo right now, it is good opportunity to test it.The point about storyline and continuity between Prologue and Act I is also interesting, because from demo, it seemed to me, there was no continuity and the whole Prologue looked more like some sort of control training (and there is also not much to do in Prologue in demo).What was not clear to me (and still is not) is the advancement system. In demo, basic characteristics (stamina, dex, int) start with two levels each available for upgrades. So technically, I can use my talents directly on Level 2 upgrades, which would make sense as someone mentioned on this forum that leveled upgrades (i.e. those having Level I type in 1st level, Level II type in 2nd level, etc.) are not cumulative.Is this the same in full game, or how is it determined when particular level is accessible to the player?
This is the best demo I've ever played. Obviously don't have the full game yet so don't know if my opinion will change. But the demo is huge! I've been playing at least 5 hrs and still have stuff to do.
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