Themed Patch/Expansion Ideas

I have a few ideas for improvements to the game as it stands now. Theming these is inspired by the way No Man's Sky has released updates in a particular theme, its a great way to market your changes as they come out.



Major Features:
Rework how street cred is gained:
  • Remove street cred from NCPD assaults altogether.
  • Reduce street cred gain from assassinations.
  • Reduce street cred gained from killing gang members.
  • The goal is to make street cred tied to how good a merc you are (getting jobs done), not how many random thugs you murder.
Over haul how Fixers work in Night City:
  • Once a threshold of street cred is reached, a fixer will call V and ask to meet in person. This means that fixers will not be unlocked automatically when entering territory.
  • The Fixer will give V an intro mission (similar to the precedent set by Dex). The Fixer will talk to V during their initial introduction and ask them to do a small job for them to prove that they work well with them. Doing the job unlocks tiered missions for that fixer.
  • Tier 1 Fixer missions: Basic gigs basically the same way things work now. Either finding the area randomly aka how things are done now. Calling the fixer should let you get details on a specific gig on a cooldown (one gig per couple days). Remove gig markers from the map unless the gig has been introduced to the player via the player asking for a gig. This doesn't overload the player and lets them focus on one mission to another. It also makes more sense and has a better flow in universe
  • Tier 2 Fixer missions: A Small linear path of missions that the fixer will call you up and ask you to perform, like other main missions in the game. Basically a set of specific side missions for the fixer
  • Tier 3 Final missions: A big special mission that will affect street cred greatly. Should be referenced later when other fixers initially call you. "Heard about you doing X job for Y fixer. I could use someone like you. etc."
This process would repeat with other fixers in other areas. Street cred thresholds would scale depending on difficulty, and higher difficulty areas would need higher street cred to access the fixers in those areas.

Other fixes:
  • Remove event markers for specific encounters. Encounters like talking with a specific shop owner for some event to occur, these should be discoverable but not shown to a player and not something on a checklist to complete. These are great for world feeling alive, but giving them markers gives the player the impression they are side missions when they aren't.
  • Add a few more random encounters and events based on street cred. Flesh out the world with more small encounters.
  • People recognizing you with high enough street cred. Add random dialog from gang members if they know who you are or heard of you (given enough street cred) Make the player feel like they are actually moving up and becoming infamous in Night City.

Major Features:
Add a more immersive and reactionary police force:
  • Police spawn into a scene via car or with higher levels, in AVs. They no longer will teleport to players locations.
  • Police will chase the player when they player runs away. They will give chase in cars, AVs, and on foot depending on wanted level.
  • Only crimes that are witnessed will bring you heat from the NCPD. If you are in a dark alley you can kill people and get away with it.
Add the MaxTec story line. Let V join them.
  • Remove marker that ends with MaxTec offering you a job and start with a specific message from Zane asking you to swing by the shop and that a tailored piece of clothing that is special depending on your background (Nomad, Corpo, Street kid) is done and ready for pickup. MaxTec offers you a job and if you accept, tells you to go to the main office. MaxTec gear should be given to the player.
  • Maxtec main story line should follow a linear progression like other side quests
  • Becoming a Maxtec officer unlocks other none story line missions that are basically equivilent to gigs, but center around the MaxTec theme.
Add standings and relationships to the game. Flesh out player relationships with factions. Potential jumping off point for side quests and gigs for specific gangs.
  • Small to medium street cred gain when killing police.
  • Add gang faction relationships.
  • Add police faction relationship.
  • Relationship with gang goes up when killing rival gang members. Goes down greatly when killing members of that gang, or slightly when wounding them. Let the player pick which gangs to side with but still let them take stuff from that gang.
  • Relationship with police goes up while doing missions for MaxTec and killing wanted gang members, helping with police shootouts; goes down greatly when committing reported crimes, killing police members

Major Features:
Add a "No Fast Travel"/"Long Travel" mode:
  • Removes all quick travels points but allows player to use public transporation.
Add a metro system to Night City:
  • Add metro at some fast travel spots, especially downtown.
  • Set destination to any other metro station using the terminal inside the metro car. This would not be the same as fast travel.
  • Add a few Metro events. When boarding the metro the skip option wont appear and an event will take place shortly after starting the ride. (Examples could be armed robbery, crazy guy on train, further expansion of other side quests, NPCs are met, etc.)
  • "Skip" metro ride to selected destination.
  • Costs a small amount of eddies to ride.
Add Bus system to Night City:
  • Add buses at some fast travel spots, especially in the badlands and places with a bus stop.
  • Set destination along any bus line inside the bus via terminal.
  • Add a few Bus events. When boarding the metro the skip option wont appear and an event will take place shortly after starting the ride. (Examples could be the bus is in a "Speed" like scenario, bus is attacked by another vehicle, NPCs are met, etc.)
  • "Skip" bus ride to selected destination.
  • Costs a small amount of eddies to ride.
Add true Delemain reward:
  • Add Delemain cab service after completing Delemain quest.
  • Able to call cab like other transportation/vehicles.
  • The Delemain cab will auto-drive you to the closest spot on a street to your white marker.
  • "Skip" ride to destination.
  • Free since the cab was a gift. No events.
Add Customs garage for your vehicles:
  • Run by Claire after completing your first race
  • Able to permanently customize the skin/interior of your car to any skin you can find out in the city. (Maybe even a fully fledged customization system)
  • Able to permanently enhance your cars attributes with specific upgrades for eddies
Other Fixes:
  • Cars in the distance correspond with cars that are actually on the road. (no more car headlights and tail lights disappearing when driving)
  • (??? Might not be possible) Add much more traffic on the road in the inner city and less in the badlands. Scale traffic depending on location.
  • Car Ai Improvements.

This is kind of a wishlist of features for me. I think it would be very cool to see large updates around themes improving the core game.

Please comment with any more themed expansion ideas, tweaks, and additions of your own. I'll add stuff to this original post when I can.
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